Robert Elz <> wrote, on 27 Apr 2018:
>   | In the unlikely event we do another TC, 
> With no supporting evidence whatever (not even rumor)
> I had been supposing that there might be a new TC, perhaps
> next year (and tence the tc3 tags) - and that issue8 was not
> likely until perhaps 2022 or later.
> It would be nice to hear of an advanced timeline for issue8
> (over my guess, I mean)
> What are the plans?  (Such as they are known currently.)

We are using tc3 tags on bugs that would be suitable for inclusion
in a TC just in case we end up doing one, but we don't plan to.

There's a lot of work to do for Issue 8, so your guess of 2022 at
the earliest is probably not far wrong.

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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