
Reading <http://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=1055#c3292>, I'm very surprised to discover that how aliases work is being completely rewritten in a way incompatible with existing shells and existing shell scripts. No reason is given for this, so I'm asking for one here. I would have imagined that the point would be to ensure that something like

  alias p=echo; p Hello

works, where in existing shells it does not, but that still will not work even under the new wording.

Reading a complete_command first, and only applying alias substitution after that, cannot handle aliases that affect how the command would be parsed. That is, reading a complete_command first cannot possibly hope to handle something like

  alias mycase=case
  mycase x in (x) echo ok ;; esac

since it would detect a syntax error on the unexpected ( before expanding the alias. In fact, there seems to be no new wording to handle any re-parsing of aliases involving shell reserved words at all. All existing implementations of aliases that I can find do support this, and aliases involving shell reserved words are actually used: just a quick search shows that multiple people have come up with something resembling

  alias forever='while :; do'

Is the intent really to invalidate such uses? If so, is the intent to require shells to issue errors for this, or will shells somehow be allowed to continue implementing it the way it is currently required?

Harald van Dijk

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