A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                steffen
Assigned To:                
Project:                    1003.1(2016)/Issue7+TC2
Issue ID:                   1161
Category:                   Shell and Utilities
Type:                       Clarification Requested
Severity:                   Editorial
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     Resolved
Name:                       steffen 
User Reference:              
Section:                    command 
Page Number:                2596 
Line Number:                84274 ff. 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:        See
Resolution:                 Accepted As Marked
Fixed in Version:           
Date Submitted:             2017-09-04 13:09 UTC
Last Modified:              2019-01-25 02:58 UTC
Summary:                    command -v must find something executable
Relationships       ID      Summary
related to          0001226 shell can not test if a file is text

 (0004229) kre (reporter) - 2019-01-25 02:58
One additional note:

In note 3852 Chet attempted to answer the "why does it
exist at all" issue with a pointer to the Rationale.

That tells us why it was added by posix "Users liked
which/whence/type and demanded something like that"
but not what it is supposed to be useful for, its
purpose, without knowing which we cannot possibly
write text which says how it is expected to work.

If the purpose is to solve the problem:
User: "I said foo, but something happened that
I did not expect, the foo command I thought
would run did not, which I verified by ...."
then the proposed wording in note  4224 would not
be adequate, as if the shell's first exec
attempt fails, it might go to make another, which
succeeds - telling the user the path name of
the first attempt (which might be the command
the user is expecting to be run) is useless.

A better solution to that problem would be something
that indicates what pathname was last successfully
used for an exec, so the user could say "foo"
have it fail, then use the "what-happened-there"
command to find out what was just executed.   Of
course, this would be pure invention, and so not
suitable to be defined here.

This is also an issue where only a human needs the
output, so command -V is a better choice than -v

On the other hand, I have had need to determine
whether a command is built into the shell.
For this, command -v is useless, as it produces
the same output for functions and builtins,
and in the case in question, while there might
have been a function existing, that would not
have been relevant (the command in question was
too complex to be implemented entirely as a
function ... so such a function, if it wasn't
doing something else entirely different, would
need to either invoke a builtin, or filesystem
version to do the real work ... and which of
those would happen is what would need discovering).
I had to resort to type (or command -V) which
are essentially the same, and just hope that
shells would report builtin commands using something
I could guess at and match.

The are likely many other potential uses, but until
we know what they are, we cannot know if the
specification is adequate to meet them.

Really nothing should have been added to meet
the apparent user demand without answering this
question first, which the rationale acknowledges
did not happen:
    Since there is no historical agreement on how
    and what to accomplish here, the POSIX command
    utility was enhanced ...
which is just saying "we don't know what we're doing,
or why, but we're going to do it anyway" but it is
too late to worry about that now.

But something needs to be done, as it is now it is all
worse than useless.   The proposed resolution does not

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2017-09-04 13:09 steffen        New Issue                                    
2017-09-04 13:09 steffen        Name                      => steffen         
2017-09-04 13:09 steffen        Section                   => command         
2017-09-04 13:09 steffen        Page Number               => 2596            
2017-09-04 13:09 steffen        Line Number               => 84274 ff.       
2017-09-04 15:49 kre            Note Added: 0003821                          
2017-09-05 06:58 stephane       Note Added: 0003823                          
2017-09-05 08:30 stephane       Note Added: 0003824                          
2017-09-05 12:34 steffen        Note Added: 0003825                          
2017-09-05 12:39 steffen        Note Added: 0003826                          
2017-09-05 12:47 kre            Note Added: 0003827                          
2017-09-05 13:37 steffen        Note Added: 0003828                          
2017-09-05 15:37 chet_ramey     Note Added: 0003829                          
2017-09-05 15:41 stephane       Note Added: 0003830                          
2017-09-05 16:01 stephane       Note Added: 0003831                          
2017-09-05 16:36 stephane       Note Added: 0003832                          
2017-09-05 17:30 stephane       Note Added: 0003833                          
2017-09-05 20:17 steffen        Note Added: 0003834                          
2017-09-05 20:19 steffen        Note Added: 0003835                          
2017-09-05 20:27 kre            Note Added: 0003836                          
2017-09-05 20:29 chet_ramey     Note Added: 0003837                          
2017-09-05 21:27 eblake         Note Added: 0003838                          
2017-09-05 21:50 kre            Note Added: 0003839                          
2017-09-05 21:52 kre            Note Edited: 0003839                         
2017-09-05 22:21 eblake         Note Added: 0003840                          
2017-09-05 22:23 Don Cragun     Note Added: 0003841                          
2017-09-05 22:24 Don Cragun     Note Deleted: 0003841                        
2017-09-06 00:00 kre            Note Added: 0003842                          
2017-09-06 00:00 kre            Note Deleted: 0003839                        
2017-09-06 08:30 stephane       Note Added: 0003843                          
2017-09-06 08:32 stephane       Note Edited: 0003843                         
2017-09-06 09:30 stephane       Note Added: 0003844                          
2017-09-06 09:37 stephane       Note Added: 0003845                          
2017-09-06 09:50 joerg          Note Added: 0003846                          
2017-09-06 09:50 joerg          Note Edited: 0003846                         
2017-09-06 09:50 joerg          Note Edited: 0003846                         
2017-09-06 09:54 stephane       Note Edited: 0003845                         
2017-09-06 12:55 steffen        Note Added: 0003847                          
2017-09-06 13:41 stephane       Note Added: 0003848                          
2017-09-07 17:31 kre            Note Deleted: 0003842                        
2017-09-07 17:58 kre            Note Added: 0003849                          
2017-09-07 18:29 chet_ramey     Note Added: 0003850                          
2017-09-07 21:17 kre            Note Added: 0003851                          
2017-09-07 21:18 kre            Note Edited: 0003851                         
2017-09-09 19:10 chet_ramey     Note Added: 0003852                          
2018-04-25 17:57 McDutchie      Note Added: 0003997                          
2019-01-24 17:11 nick           Note Added: 0004220                          
2019-01-24 17:11 nick           Interp Status             => ---             
2019-01-24 17:11 nick           Final Accepted Text       => See
2019-01-24 17:11 nick           Status                   New => Resolved     
2019-01-24 17:11 nick           Resolution               Open => Accepted As
2019-01-24 17:12 nick           Tag Attached: tc3-2008                       
2019-01-24 23:33 kre            Note Added: 0004223                          
2019-01-25 00:05 kre            Note Added: 0004224                          
2019-01-25 00:53 steffen        Note Added: 0004225                          
2019-01-25 02:46 eblake         Relationship added       related to 0001226  
2019-01-25 02:58 kre            Note Added: 0004229                          

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