2019-06-21 09:05:09 +0100, Stephane Chazelas:
> That autoconf example above is actually pretty damning.
> as_echo='printf %s\n'

Another ironic thing with that example is that that autoconf
code is about working around the fact that the POSIX echo is not

In http://austingroupbugs.net/bug_view_page.php?bug_id=1222
I asked that POSIX *allows*, not even mandate an interface
supported by one sh implementation and documented as such for
over 25 years (since before the first version of the POSIX.2
specification) that addresses that: echo -E - "$var"

That's not such a useless feature. Without it, echo can't be
used to output arbitrary data, which is exactly what that
autoconf as_echo is trying to do.

It was rejected (even the "just allowing it") on the ground that
it would break existing scripts (without providing any evidence;
no need to look now, I know it does break some).

That would break scripts that pass "-" as the *first* argument of
*one* command (echo) and that happen to be interpreted by a shell
that has implemented that allowed, but not required feature.

My point was so that POSIX warn people against expecting "echo
-" to output "-" as it does not in all shells in practice.

Instead, now, POSIX want to *mandate* not only allow a feature
that not a single shell has done, that is not needed at all, and
that would potentially break all scripts that pass an unquoted
word expansion containing a backslash in *any* position, in
*any* argument to *any* command.

Isn't there some level of double standard there?


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