I agree this could use some clarifying. Some may construe the synopsis that 
since name may be set directly with the =word portion, without this it is 
supposed to be set to a null string and not stay unset; the same as if a name 
is $name referenced, unqualified by a test operator, without previous 
assignment. Then its appearance in subshell environments would be consistent 
with the parents local state. As an operand it wouldn't need a trailing '=' to 
distinguish it from a command name, and would be a shorter form of 
name=<SQ><SQ> to get the same effect, or name=<SPC or NL> even. The script 
would then have to explicitly unset name afterwards to undo the null 
assignment, however.

The shell is sensitive to behaving one way when some variables, IFS in 
particular, are unset, set to a null string, or is non-null. Because the above 
isn't explicit, the use case, as freebsd is treating it, where a script expects 
IFS to be unset and stay unset, so the default <SPC><TAB><NL> is assumed, and 
all utilities referenced to have IFS set to the null string upon invoke, if 
these are similarly sensitive, is valid also. 

It's also possible to read it that setting the attribute applies only when name 
is previously set or thSo, something differentiating the three needs to be 
added, it appears.

A synopsis line of:
export name[=[word]]...
I see as more requiring how freebsd is construing it, that if you want it to be 
set locally the '=' is required, and then like with assignments if no word 
follows it is treated as a null string. I'd still want some text explaining why 
the 2 [ ] pairs, though.

On Sunday, July 7, 2019 Martijn Dekker <mart...@inlv.org> wrote:

On FreeBSD sh, when you set the export attribute on an otherwise unset
variable, an empty environment variable is exported, though the variable
continues to be considered unset within the current shell. This is the
only shell I know of that does this.

$ unset -v foo
$ export foo
$ echo ${foo+set}
[empty line]
$ sh -c 'echo ${foo+set}'
$ set | grep ^foo=
$ env | grep ^foo=

Question: is this behaviour a bug in POSIX terms?

As far as I can tell, the POSIX spec doesn't explicitly say what to do
in this case:


| The shell shall give the export attribute to the variables
| corresponding to the specified names, which shall cause them to be in
| the environment of subsequently executed commands.

I could see how this phrasing technically requires the FreeBSD sh
behaviour, but given that no other shell does this, it seems unlikely
this requirement is intended. Could the text do with clarifying this?

- M.

modernish -- harness the shell

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