These are the draft minutes from today's call.  Andrew will need
to allocate the Austin-xxx document number and add the file to the
document register after he returns.



Minutes of the 29th July 2019 Teleconference     Austin-xxx Page 1 of 1
Submitted by Geoff Clare, The Open Group. 29th July 2019

    Nick Stoughton, USENIX, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 OR
    Mark Ziegast, SHware Systems Dev.
    Don Cragun, IEEE PASC OR
    Geoff Clare, The Open Group
    Eric Blake, Red Hat, Open Group OR
    Joerg Schilling, FOKUS Fraunhofer

    Andrew Josey

* General news 


* Outstanding actions

(Please note that this section has been flushed to shorten the minutes -
to locate the previous set of outstanding actions, look to the minutes
from 13th June 2019 and earlier)

Bug 1220: Add an API to query the name of a locale category of a locale object 

Action: Eric to ask if The Open Group is willing to sponsor this interface.

* Current Business

Bug 1234: in most shells, backslash doesn't have two meaning wrt pattern 
matching        OPEN

We agreed this item is still undergoing some discussions on the
reflector and we will revisit status at a future meeting.

Bug 1254: "asynchronous list" description uses "command" instead of "AND-OR 
list" OPEN

Action: Joerg to investigate how his shell behaves.

Bug 1262: 941 fix incorrectly applied        Accepted as Marked

This item is tagged for TC3-2008.


    read response
    if printf "%s\n" "$response" | grep -- -Eq "$(locale yesexpr)"


    IFS= read -r response
    if printf "%s\n" "$response" | grep -Eq -- "$(locale yesexpr)"

Bug 1263: Add ppoll()      OPEN  

Action: Eric to ask if The Open Group is willing to sponsor this interface.

Bug 1264: "default locale" inadequately specified in newlocale()  Accepted as 

This item is tagged for TC3-2008.
An interpretation is required.

Interpretation response
The standard is unclear on this issue, and no conformance distinction can
be made between alternative implementations based on this. This is being
referred to the sponsor.

There are several different uses of "default" and it is not clear which one 
should apply here.

Notes to the Editor (not part of this interpretation):
On page 1392 line 46282 section newlocale(), change:

    default locale


    POSIX locale

Bug 1265: Knock-on effects of Issue 7 change to XCU 2.8.1   OPEN

This item was discussed and will be continued next time.

Next Steps 
The next calls are on:

August 1 2019 (Thursday)
This call will be for 90 minutes.

August 5 2019 (Monday)
This call will be for 60 minutes.

Apologies in advance:
    Andrew Josey, 2019-08-01, 2019-08-05, 2019-08-08

Calls are anchored on US time. (8am Pacific) 

Please check the calendar invites for dial in details.

An etherpad is usually up for the meeting, with a URL using the date format as 
username=posix password=2115756#

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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