> From: Donn Terry <donnte...@gmail.com> 
> Sent: Friday, November 1, 2019 3:37 PM
> To: Scott Lurndal <slurn...@sonic.net>
> Cc: Danny Niu <danny...@hotmail.com>; Austin Group Mailing List 
> <austin-group-l@opengroup.org>
> Subject: Re: What is this out-of-scope thing called Record IO?

> That's correct. At the time the spec was written most OSs (and there were a 
> lot more different ones
> then) were loosely modeled on the punch-card systems that preceded them, 
> which means that I/O occurred
> in fixed sized "records".  (Well, everybody but (that time's version of) CDC 
> used that term
> consistently to mean "a big, custom sized, punch card on (typically) tape".) 
> The stream of data we now > take for granted was a real innovation in Unix.

> Donn

To expand on this, the dd utility (itself named after a mainframe command used 
to specify record
organization) can be used to convert between mainframe-style files and Unix 
stream of data style files.

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