In message <>, 
Robert Elz <> wrote:

>But you do need some experience reading standards...

I would like to pause just longe enough to thank you all for the
unambiguously patronizing and derogatory manner in which you have
welcomed me into your community, all due apparently to my unforgivable
inability to instantly grasp the fine and semantically critical
distinction between the words "descriptor" and "description".

For the record, I served in the 1990s on both the C9X standardization
committee and also the original C++ standardization committee,  the
former with what I believe could be called distinction, since in that
instance I contributed a quite sizable number of both questions and
clarifications which were deemed of value to that effort.  Separately,
I was a major contributor to the standardization of DWARF syntax and
semantics which, if you have ever found yourselves debugging any
program in any compiled language on any modern *NIX system you have
most probably benefitted from.

I will be leaving you now, in peace.  My sincere apologies for having
disturbed your deliberations.  You have certainly succeeded in persuading
me that I am unworthy of even asking a question, at least not here,
but I shall most certainly be recommending this group and this mailing
list to any of my cohorts who feel themselves to be inadequately
demeaned by their spouses and/or immediate family members.


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