Date:        Sun, 15 Mar 2020 11:39:27 +0000 (UTC)
    From:        shwaresyst <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | For that purpose both still running processes and zombie processes have
  | to be considered as active where new ID selection would be concerned.

Yes, the kernel makes that happen - as long as the zombie still exists,
there is no problem (making that happen was the object of my first two
semi-solutions - neither of which is particularly nice, and leaving the
process table cluttered with zombies isn't either).

Harald's suggestion of stopping scripts using pids and requiring using
job designators (%1 etc) would certainly help, as then the shell knows
which is being referred to - wait becomes trivial to do correctly and
a built in kill can object to signalling a process (job) that has already

But that would be a mammoth culture change, and only works when
processes are referenced using built-in shell commands - the job
designators mean nothing anywhere else.


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