pwd has the -L option:

The following options shall be supported by the implementation:

        If the PWD environment variable contains an absolute pathname
        of the current directory and the pathname does not contain any
        components that are dot or dot-dot, pwd shall write this
        pathname to standard output, except that if the PWD environment
        variable is longer than {PATH_MAX} bytes including the
        terminating null, it is unspecified whether pwd writes this
        pathname to standard output or behaves as if the -P option had
        been specified. Otherwise, the -L option shall behave as the -P

It mentions "dot-dot" and "dot".

It does seems to allow:

        (cd /; PWD=////////// pwd -L)
        (cd /home/casper; PWD=/home///////casper  pwd -L)

Is this a correct implmentation?

Is it *required* for the implementation to behave this way?


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