The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                psmith
Assigned To:                ajosey
Project:                    1003.1(2004)/Issue 6
Issue ID:                   1415
Category:                   Shell and Utilities
Type:                       Clarification Requested
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     Under Review
Name:                       Paul Smith 
Organization:               GNU Project 
User Reference:              
Section:                    (section number or name, can be interface name) 
Page Number:                (page or range of pages) 
Line Number:                (Line or range of lines) 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2020-10-26 16:43 UTC
Last Modified:              2020-10-26 16:43 UTC
Summary:                    The text added as a result of Issue #1325 is
I apologize if I'm not following the correct procedure but I'm not able to
add notes to #1325 so I am opening a new issue as an objection.

The text added as a resolution to issue #1325 is not acceptable.

Regardless of the opinions of maintainers of other versions of make, the
behavior of GNU make with respect to rebuilding included makefiles is every
bit as legitimate a solution and there's no standardized precedent to
require otherwise.

In fact, GNU make's behavior is PREFERABLE because it does not require that
users define rules that rebuild makefiles before the include line is parsed
in the makefile.  The order of rules vs. include lines is not relevant.

GNU make is, pretty much unarguably, the single most widely used version of
make existing today and its behavior in this area has been consistent and
valid for 30 years or so.  There's no justification for the POSIX committee
to suddenly declare that such a widely-used implementation does not meet
the standard.

It is not, as described by the changes proposed in #1325, "historical" and
it will not be, as I have explained many, many times to Joerg, changed in
the future, not even to satisfy a POSIX standard if this text is left

It is also, as I have also tried to explain many times, not an error, not
misbehavior, and it does not cause failures when parallel builds are
present _IF_ the makefile properly declares its prerequisite relationships.
 There IS a problem with rebuilding makefiles if you do NOT declare all of
your prerequisite relationships, but it has nothing to do with whether
included makefiles are built at the same time as the include line is
parsed, and it is not even related to rebuilding makefiles: the same issue
can be seen in other situations: the problem has to do with GNU make's
directory cache implementation.
Desired Action: 
Either revert the text of #1325 or else modify it so that GNU make's
behavior (delaying the rebuild of included makefiles until the entire
makefile and all other included makefiles are parsed) is explicitly

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2020-10-26 16:43 psmith         New Issue                                    
2020-10-26 16:43 psmith         Status                   New => Under Review 
2020-10-26 16:43 psmith         Assigned To               => ajosey          
2020-10-26 16:43 psmith         Name                      => Paul Smith      
2020-10-26 16:43 psmith         Organization              => GNU Project     
2020-10-26 16:43 psmith         Section                   => (section number or
name, can be interface name)
2020-10-26 16:43 psmith         Page Number               => (page or range of
2020-10-26 16:43 psmith         Line Number               => (Line or range of

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