A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                eblake
Assigned To:                
Project:                    1003.1(2013)/Issue7+TC1
Issue ID:                   792
Category:                   Base Definitions and Headers
Type:                       Omission
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       Eric Blake 
Organization:               Red Hat 
User Reference:             ebb.thread_lifetime 
Section:                    3.399 Thread ID 
Page Number:                97 
Line Number:                2704 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2013-11-15 05:23 UTC
Last Modified:              2022-08-02 14:53 UTC
Summary:                    better definition of thread lifetime
Relationships       ID      Summary
related to          0000765 kill and pthread_kill behavior between ...
related to          0000690 clarify behavior when calling waitpid w...

 (0005923) geoffclare (manager) - 2022-08-02 14:53
The following is the desired action with a few wording changes based on the
email discussion in Nov 2013 and some updates to include C17 threads.

Page and line numbers have been updated to be for Issue 8 draft 2.1.

[Editor's Note: This adds several new definition sections.  Make sure that
the additions remain in sorted order, and that all sections are numbered
appropriately afterwards.  I sorted "Thread Termination" before
"Thread-Safe" based on the existing precedence of "Priority Scheduling"
before "Priority-Based Scheduling".  The remainder of this request refers
only to existing D2.1 section numbering and references to new section

After XBD section 3.177 ("Job Control Job ID") page 54 line 1718, insert a
new section <b>Joinable Thread</b> with the following
contents:<blockquote>A thread that was created either using
<i>pthread_create</i>() with the <i>detachstate</i> attribute not set to
PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED or using <i>thrd_create</i>(), and for which
neither <i>pthread_detach</i>() nor <i>pthread_join</i>() has been called
and returned zero, and neither <i>thrd_detach</i>() nor <i>thrd_join</i>()
has been called and returned <tt>thrd_success</tt>.

<small><b>Note:</b> The <i>pthread_attr_setdetachstate</i>(),
<i>pthread_create</i>(), <i>pthread_detach</i>(), <i>pthread_join</i>(),
<i>thrd_create</i>(), <i>thrd_detach</i>(), and <i>thrd_join</i>()
functions are defined in detail in the System Interfaces volume of
After XBD section 3.183 ("Live Process") page 55 line 1738, insert a new
section <b>Live Thread</b> with the following contents (copied from the
existing text at 3.372 Thread, with two minor changes):<blockquote>A single
flow of control within a process. Each thread has its own thread ID,
scheduling priority and policy, <i>errno</i> value, floating point
environment, thread-specific key/value bindings, and the required system
resources to support a flow of control. Anything whose address can be
determined by a thread, including but not limited to static variables,
storage obtained via <i>malloc</i>(), directly addressable storage obtained
through implementation-defined functions, and automatic variables, are
accessible to all live threads in the same process.

<small><b>Note:</b> The <i>malloc</i>() function is defined in detail in
the System Interfaces volume of POSIX.1-202x.</small></blockquote>
At XBD section 3.372 ("Thread") page 82 line 2490, change:<blockquote>A
single flow of control within a process. Each thread has its own thread ID,
scheduling priority and policy, <i>errno</i> value, floating point
environment, thread-specific key/value bindings, and the required system
resources to support a flow of control. Anything whose address may be
determined by a thread, including but not limited to static variables,
storage obtained via <i>malloc</i>(), directly addressable storage obtained
through implementation-defined functions, and automatic variables, are
accessible to all live threads in the same process.

<small><b>Note:</b> The <i>malloc</i>() function is defined in detail in
the System Interfaces volume of
POSIX.1-202x.</small></blockquote>to:<blockquote>A live thread (see [xref
to Live Thread]) or a zombie thread (see [xref to Zombie Thread]). The
lifetime of a thread is described in [xref to Thread
After XBD section 3.373 ("Thread ID") page 82 line 2499, insert a new
section <b>Thread Lifetime</b> with contents:<blockquote>The period of time
that begins when a thread is created and ends when its thread ID is
returned to the process.

See also <i>Live Thread</i> in [xref to Live Thread], <i>Thread
Termination</i> in [xref to Thread Termination], and <i>Zombie Thread</i>
in [xref to Zombie Thread].

<small><b>Note:</b> Thread creation is defined in detail in the
descriptions of the <i>pthread_create</i>() and <i>thrd_create</i>()
functions in the System Interfaces volume of
After XBD section 3.374 ("Thread List") page 82 line 2503, insert a new
section <b>Thread Termination</b> with contents:<blockquote>Thread
termination occurs when a thread executes <i>pthread_exit</i>() or
<i>thrd_exit</i>(), when it returns from the <i>start_routine</i> function
passed to <i>pthread_create</i>() or from the <i>func</i> function passed
to <i>thrd_create</i>(), or when it acts on a cancellation request
initiated by <i>pthread_cancel</i>().

<small><b>Note:</b> The <i>pthread_cancel</i>(), <i>pthread_create</i>(),
<i>pthread_exit</i>(), <i>thrd_create</i>(), and <i>thrd_exit</i>()
functions are defined in detail in the System Interfaces volume of
After XBD section 3.408 ("Zombie Process") page 87 line 2638, add a new
section <b>Zombie Thread</b> with contents:<blockquote>The remains of a
joinable live thread (see [xref to Joinable Thread] and [xref to Live
Thread]) after it terminates (see [xref to Thread Termination]) and before
it has been joined with <i>pthread_join</i>() or <i>thrd_join</i>() or
detached with <i>pthread_detach</i>() or <i>thrd_detach</i>().

<small><b>Note:</b> The <i>pthread_detach</i>(), <i>pthread_join</i>(),
<i>thrd_detach</i>(), and <i>thrd_join</i>() functions are defined in
detail in the System Interfaces volume of
At XSH section 2.9.2 ("Thread IDs") page 501 line 17748, after applying bug
1302, change:<blockquote>The lifetime of a thread ID ends after the thread
terminates if it was created using <i>pthread_create</i>() with the
<i>detachstate</i> attribute set to PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED or if
<i>pthread_detach</i>(), <i>pthread_join</i>(), <i>thrd_detach</i>(), or
<i>thrd_join</i>() has been called for that
thread.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>The lifetime of a thread ID ends after
the later of thread termination (see [xref to Thread Termination]) and the
point when the thread is no longer joinable (see [xref to Joinable
At XSH pthread_cancel page 1553 line 51305 (DESCRIPTION), add a new
sentence:<blockquote>It shall not be an error to request cancellation of a
zombie thread.</blockquote>
After XSH pthread_cancel page 1553 line 51340 (RATIONALE), add a new
paragraph:<blockquote>Historical implementations varied on the result of a
<i>pthread_cancel</i>() with a thread ID indicating a zombie thread. Some
indicated success with nothing further to do because the thread had already
terminated, while others gave an error of [ESRCH]. Since the definition of
thread lifetime in this standard covers zombie threads, the [ESRCH] error
as described is inappropriate in this case and implementations that give
this error do not conform.</blockquote>
At XSH pthread_detach page 1587 line 52443 (DESCRIPTION),
change:<blockquote>If <i>thread</i> has not terminated,
<i>pthread_detach</i>() shall not cause it to
terminate.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>If <i>thread</i> has not terminated,
<i>pthread_detach</i>() shall not cause it to terminate, but shall prevent
the thread from becoming a zombie thread when it does
At XSH pthread_join page 1598 line 52801 (DESCRIPTION),
change:<blockquote>a thread that has exited but remains
unjoined</blockquote>to:<blockquote>a zombie thread</blockquote>
At XSH pthread_kill page 1606 line 53102 (DESCRIPTION), add a
sentence:<blockquote>It shall not be an error if <i>thread</i> is a zombie
At XSH pthread_kill page 1606 line 53124 (RATIONALE),
change:<blockquote>Existing implementations vary on the result of a
<i>pthread_kill</i>() with a thread ID indicating an inactive thread (a
terminated thread that has not been detached or joined). Some indicate
success on such a call, while others give an error of [ESRCH]. Since the
definition of thread lifetime in this volume of POSIX.1-202x covers
inactive threads, the [ESRCH] error as described is inappropriate in this
case.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>Historical implementations varied on the
result of a <i>pthread_kill</i>() with a thread ID indicating a zombie
thread. Some indicated success on such a call, while others gave an error
of [ESRCH]. Since the definition of thread lifetime in this volume of
POSIX.1-202x covers zombie threads, the [ESRCH] error as described is
inappropriate in this case and implementations that give this error do not
At XSH pthread_kill page 1606 line 53132 (FUTURE DIRECTIONS),
change:<blockquote>A future version of this standard may require that
<i>pthread_kill</i>() not fail with [ESRCH] in the case of sending signals
to an inactive thread (a terminated thread not yet detached or joined),
even though no signal will be delivered because the thread is no longer

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         New Issue                                    
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         Name                      => Eric Blake      
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         Organization              => Red Hat         
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         User Reference            => ebb.thread_lifetime
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         Section                   => 3.399 Thread ID 
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         Page Number               => 97              
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         Line Number               => 2704            
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         Interp Status             => ---             
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         Tag Attached: issue8                         
2013-11-15 05:23 eblake         Relationship added       related to 0000765  
2013-11-15 05:24 eblake         Relationship added       related to 0000690  
2013-11-15 05:29 eblake         Desired Action Updated                       
2019-05-23 16:08 geoffclare     Tag Detached: issue8                         
2022-08-02 14:53 geoffclare     Note Added: 0005923                          

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