A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                Don Cragun
Assigned To:                ajosey
Project:                    1003.1(2004)/Issue 6
Issue ID:                   267
Category:                   Shell and Utilities
Type:                       Clarification Requested
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     Under Review
Name:                       Don Cragun 
User Reference:              
Section:                    time 
Page Number:                916-919 
Line Number:                35505-35633 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:        WAS https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=267#c442
and https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=267#c1692 
Date Submitted:             2010-06-25 16:19 UTC
Last Modified:              2022-10-07 15:56 UTC
Summary:                    time (keyword)
Relationships       ID      Summary
related to          0000789 Add set -o pipefail
has duplicate       0001051 stderr redirection of the "time&qu...
has duplicate       0001581 “time” vs. Korn Shell flavours
related to          0000723 time is not allowed to write error mess...

 (0005990) geoffclare (manager) - 2022-10-07 15:56
Suggested changes ...

(I used https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=267#c4794 as a starting point,
but the differences are not just

On D2.1 page 2314 line 74522 section 2.4, change:<blockquote>The following
words may be recognized as reserved words on some implementations (when
none of the characters are quoted), causing unspecified
results:</blockquote>to:<blockquote>When used in circumstances where
reserved words are recognized (described above), the following words may be
recognized as reserved words, in which case the results are unspecified
except as described below for <b>time</b>:</blockquote>
On D2.1 page 2314 line 74524 section 2.4, after <b>select</b> add

After D2.1 page 2314 line 74524 section 2.4, add a new
paragraph:<blockquote>When the word <b>time</b> is recognized as a reserved
word in circumstances where it would, if it were not a reserved word, be
the command name (see [xref to]) of a simple command that would
execute the <i>time</i> utility in a manner other than one for which [xref
to time] states that the results are unspecified, the behavior shall be as
specified for the <i>time</i> utility.</blockquote>
On D2.1 page 2314 line 74525 section 2.4, change:<blockquote>Words that are
the concatenation of a name and a <colon> (':') are reserved; their use
produces unspecified results.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>When used in
circumstances where reserved words are recognized (described above), all
words whose final character is a <colon> (':') are reserved; their use in
those circumstances produces unspecified results.</blockquote>
On D2.1 page 3215 line 109183 section time, change:<blockquote>When
<i>time</i> is used as part of a pipeline, the times reported are
unspecified, except when it is the sole command within a grouping command
(see [xref to]) in that pipeline. For example, the commands on the
left are unspecified; those on the right report on utilities <b>a</b> and
<b>c</b>, respectively:<pre>time a | b | c    { time a; } | b | c
a | b | time c    a | b | (time c)</pre></blockquote>to:<blockquote>When
<i>time</i> is used in any of the following circumstances, via a simple
command for which the word <b>time</b> is the command name (see [xref to]), and none of the characters in the word <b>time</b> is quoted,
the results (including parsing of later words) are unspecified: <ul>
<li>The simple command for which the word <b>time</b> is the command name
includes one or more redirections (see [xref to 2.7]) or is (directly) part
of a pipeline (see [xref to 2.9.2]).</li>
<li>The next word that follows <b>time</b> would, if the word <b>time</b>
were not present, be recognized as a reserved word (see [xref to 2.4]) or a
control operator (see [xref to XBD 3.83]).</li>
<li>The <i>utility</i> operand names a special built-in utility (see [xref
to 2.14]), an intrinsic utility (see [xref to 1.7]), or a function (see
[xref to 2.9.5]).</li> </ul>
Since these limitations only apply when <i>time</i> is executed via a
simple command for which the word <b>time</b> is the command name and none
of the characters in the word <b>time</b> is quoted, they can be avoided by
quoting all or part of the word <b>time</b>, by arranging for the command
name not to be <b>time</b> (for example, by having the command name be a
word expansion), or by executing <i>time</i> via another utility such as
<i>command</i> or <i>env</i>.

The limitations on redirections and pipelines can also be overcome by
embedding the simple command within a compound command--most commonly a
grouping command (see [xref to])--and applying the redirections or
piping to the compound command instead.

Note that in no circumstances where the results are specified is it
possible to apply different redirections to the <i>time</i> utility than
are applied to the utility it invokes.

The following examples (where <i>a</i> and <i>b</i> are assumed to be the
names of utilities found by searching <i>PATH</i>) show unspecified
usages:<pre>time a arg1 arg2 | b    # part of a pipeline
a | time -p b           # part of a pipeline
time a >/dev/null       # output redirection
</dev/null time a       # input redirection
time while anything...  # reserved word after <b>time</b>
time ( cmd )            # control operator after <b>time</b>
time;                   # control operator after <b>time</b>
time shift              # special built-in utility
time -p cd /            # intrinsic utility</pre>
The following examples have specified results and can be used as
alternatives for the first four of the above when the <i>time</i> utility
as specified here is intended to be invoked:<pre>{ time a arg1 arg2; } | b
t=time; a | $t -p b
command time a >/dev/null
</dev/null \time a</pre></blockquote>
On D2.1 page 3215 line 109196 section time, delete:<blockquote>If the
<i>utility</i> operand names any of the special built-in utilities in [xref
to 2.14], the results are undefined.</blockquote>
On D2.1 page 3621 line 125120 section C.2.4, change:<blockquote>This list
contained <b>time</b> in early proposals, but it was removed when the
<i>time</i> utility was selected for the Shell and Utilities volume of
POSIX.1-202x.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>Earlier versions of this standard
omitted <b>time</b> from this list, so that the <i>time</i> utility could
be included without requiring applications to quote all or part of its name
(or use other measures) in order to avoid it being treated as a reserved
word. However, although the intent was to allow the reserved word
implementation (as evidenced by use of <i>time</i> in pipelines being
unspecified, and explicit mention in the rationale of the <i>time</i>
utility), the conditions under which the behavior was unspecified were
insufficient to allow this. In particular, redirection in KornShell does
not work in the normal way when <b>time</b> is a reserved word:<pre>time
utility 2> time.out</pre>only writes the standard error from <i>utility</i>
to <b>time.out</b>; the timing information is written to the shell's
standard error, but these versions of the standard required the timing
information to be written to <b>time.out</b>.  Another issue was that if
<b>time</i> is a reserved word, an application cannot define a function
with that name, but these versions of the standard required that
applications could do so. Hence <b>time</b> has now been added to the list
of unspecified reserved words, but with its use as a reserved word limited
in order to be compatible with its use as a utility in the cases where the
two have traditionally had the same effect (other than possible output
format differences).</blockquote>
On D2.1 page 3621 line 125128 section C.2.4, change:<blockquote>The
restriction on ending a name with a <colon> is to allow future
implementations that support named labels for flow control; see the
RATIONALE for the <i>break</i> built-in
utility.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>When used in circumstances where
reserved words are recognized, all words whose final character is a <colon>
(':') are reserved. The case of a name suffixed with a colon is reserved to
allow implementations to support named labels for flow control; see the
RATIONALE for the <i>break</i> special built-in utility. Other words ending
in <colon> are reserved to provide implementations with a way to add new
reserved words while still conforming to this standard.</blockquote> 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2010-06-25 16:19 geoffclare     New Issue                                    
2010-06-25 16:19 geoffclare     Status                   New => Under Review 
2010-06-25 16:19 geoffclare     Assigned To               => ajosey          
2010-06-25 16:19 geoffclare     Name                      => Don Cragun      
2010-06-25 16:19 geoffclare     Section                   => time            
2010-06-25 16:19 geoffclare     Page Number               => 916-919         
2010-06-25 16:19 geoffclare     Line Number               => 35505-35633     
2010-06-25 16:19 geoffclare     Interp Status             => ---             
2010-06-25 16:20 geoffclare     Note Added: 0000437                          
2010-06-25 16:20 geoffclare     Reporter                 geoffclare => Don
2010-06-26 17:52 geoffclare     Note Added: 0000442                          
2010-06-26 17:54 geoffclare     Interp Status            --- => Pending      
2010-06-26 17:54 geoffclare     Final Accepted Text       =>
2010-06-26 17:54 geoffclare     Status                   Under Review =>
Interpretation Required
2010-06-26 17:54 geoffclare     Resolution               Open => Accepted As
2010-07-30 08:19 ajosey         Interp Status            Pending => Proposed 
2010-07-30 08:19 ajosey         Note Added: 0000493                          
2010-09-03 16:38 ajosey         Interp Status            Proposed => Approved
2013-07-16 15:20 geoffclare     Relationship added       related to 0000723  
2013-08-01 15:13 geoffclare     Note Added: 0001692                          
2013-08-01 15:14 geoffclare     Final Accepted Text     
https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=267#c442 =>
https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=267#c442 and
2013-08-01 15:15 geoffclare     Note Edited: 0001692                         
2016-05-04 15:10 geoffclare     Relationship added       related to 0001051  
2016-05-04 18:21 shware_systems Tag Attached: issue8                         
2016-05-05 22:18 stephane       Note Added: 0003199                          
2016-05-05 22:19 stephane       Note Edited: 0003199                         
2016-05-06 07:46 stephane       Note Edited: 0003199                         
2016-05-09 10:06 joerg          Note Added: 0003202                          
2016-05-11 11:38 stephane       Note Added: 0003209                          
2016-05-11 11:57 joerg          Note Added: 0003210                          
2016-05-11 11:58 joerg          Note Edited: 0003210                         
2016-05-11 11:59 joerg          Note Edited: 0003210                         
2016-05-11 12:31 stephane       Note Added: 0003211                          
2016-05-11 12:47 joerg          Note Added: 0003212                          
2016-05-11 12:47 joerg          Note Edited: 0003212                         
2016-05-11 12:49 joerg          Note Edited: 0003212                         
2016-05-11 13:14 stephane       Note Added: 0003213                          
2016-05-11 13:28 joerg          Note Added: 0003214                          
2016-05-11 13:28 joerg          Note Edited: 0003214                         
2016-05-11 13:42 stephane       Note Edited: 0003211                         
2016-05-11 13:43 joerg          Note Edited: 0003210                         
2017-06-08 15:08 geoffclare     Relationship replaced    has duplicate 0001051
2020-02-06 10:01 geoffclare     Interp Status            Approved => ---     
2020-02-06 10:01 geoffclare     Final Accepted Text     
https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=267#c442 and
https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=267#c1692 => WAS
https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=267#c442 and
2020-02-06 10:01 geoffclare     Note Added: 0004771                          
2020-02-06 10:01 geoffclare     Status                   Interpretation Required
=> Under Review
2020-02-06 10:01 geoffclare     Resolution               Accepted As Marked =>
2020-02-06 10:01 geoffclare     Tag Detached: issue8                         
2020-02-06 10:02 geoffclare     Relationship added       related to 0000789  
2020-03-06 07:18 kre            Note Added: 0004794                          
2020-03-06 07:21 kre            Note Added: 0004795                          
2020-03-06 07:23 kre            Note Edited: 0004795                         
2020-03-06 07:32 kre            Note Edited: 0004795                         
2022-04-26 16:10 geoffclare     Relationship added       has duplicate 0001581
2022-04-26 16:30 mirabilos      Note Added: 0005824                          
2022-10-07 15:56 geoffclare     Note Added: 0005990                          

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