Robert Elz wrote, on 04 Dec 2022:
>     Date:        Mon, 28 Nov 2022 09:35:25 +0000
>     From:        "Geoff Clare via austin-group-l at The Open Group" 
> <>

This entire email is underhanded and dishonest.  You have completely
ignored my earlier email (austin-group-l:archive/latest/35115) where
I stated that for TZ values beginning with a colon, the timezone
information used by mktime() is implementation-defined and therefore
this creates the same loophole that exists in the C standard, and
then you have tried to refute the arguments I made, which were (with
that earlier email as context) intended only to apply to TZ values not
beginning with colon as if I was saying them about TZ values that do
begin with a colon.

As a result, most of it made no sense at all in context, and I have
only replied to the parts that could have made some sort of sense in
the context of TZ values that do not begin with a colon.

>   | When the standard is silent about something, requirements that
>   | *are* stated still apply.
> Sure, but only for requirements that are actually stated.   Here the
> things you believe to be stated requirements, don't seem to be nearly
> as obvious to me ... but it is hard to tell, as you almost never bother
> quoting the words from the standard that you claim say what you believe
> to be stated.   That makes it hard to refute, as I have no idea what
> I am expected to argue is different - just some random "the standard
> says" without any clue what part of it you mean.

This has been a lengthy thread and I have been assuming that if I
quoted something from the standard earlier in the thread I don't need
to quote it again.

>   | In this case, it is clear from the use of "any" in "corrected for
>   | timezone and any seasonal time adjustments" that either a seasonal
>   | adjustment is made or the value resulting from the timezone adjustment
>   | is used without making a seasonal adjustment.
> This is better - we know which words you're relying upon here, and how
> you have managed to mangle what the standard actually says to fit with
> your preconceived view of what it should mean.
> The text you quoted there is from (in Issue 8 D 2.1) on page 1311, lines 43862
> to 43863 (in XSH 3 / mktime()).   (The same thing is in earlier versions,
> this just happens to be the version I picked to reference today, perhaps I
> should have used C181, but too late now...)
> Now lets analyse what that actually says:
>       "corrected for timezone"
> which you ignored, but seem to be treating as if it said "modified by the
> offset from UTC of the timezone", which it does not, if it had meant to
> say that it could have said that.

It has to be worded in general terms because of the implementation-defined
nature of TZ values beginning with colon.  For TZ values that do not
begin with colon, the description of TZ in XBD 8.3 gives precise rules
for the adjustments:

    std offset dst offset, rule


        Indicates the value added to the local time to arrive at
        Coordinated Universal Time
        The offset following std shall be required. If no offset
        follows dst, the alternative time is assumed to be one hour
        ahead of standard time.


        Indicates when to change to and back from the alternative time.

> OK, next from your quote:
>       "and any seasonal time adjustments"
> which you then paraphrased as:
>       "either a seasonal adjustment is made or the value resulting
>        from the timezone adjustment is used without making a seasonal
>        adjustment."
> Don't you see just how myopic that is?   In your mindset, you see a nice
> regular timezone which has a nice fixed offset from UTC, and perhaps at
> some point a once a year alteration of that offset slightly, and then,
> also once a year, an adjustment back again.

Exactly as specified in the TZ rules for values not beginning with colon.

> Before I end, there's one more section from the standard that you seem to
> be (not in this message, but in others) to be misinterpreting as well:
> Lines 43855 to 43858, page 1311, in XSH 3 - mktime():
>       A positive or 0 value for tm_isdst shall cause mktime( ) to presume
>       initially that Daylight Saving Time, respectively, is or is not in
>       effect for the specified time. A negative value for tm_isdst shall
>       cause mktime( ) to attempt to determine whether Daylight Saving Time
>       is in effect for the specified time.

This wording is taken from the C standard, where it is necessarily vague
because of the implementation-defined nature of local time and DST there.
We should replace it with more precise wording in POSIX (particularly for
TZ values not beginning with colon).

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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