Enclosed are the minutes of our meeting this past week
Minutes of the 5th January 2023 Teleconference    Austin-1281 Page 1 of 1
Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group.         7th January 2023

    Don Cragun, IEEE PASC OR
    Nick Stoughton, Logitech/USENIX, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 OR
    Geoff Clare, The Open Group
    Eric Ackermann, HPI, University of Potsdam
    Andrew Josey, The Open Group
    Tom Thompson, IEEE
    Mark Ziegast, SHware Systems Dev.
    Eric Blake, Red Hat, The Open Group OR

* General news


* Carried Forward

This section trimmed -- see Austin/1264

Bug 1593: specify whether struct sockaddr_un.sun_path can be a flexible array 
member OPEN

Wait for Eric to complete his action on bug 561

Bug 1406: clarification of SEEK_END when current pointer doesn't match buffer 
size OPEN 

Actions carried forward:

ACTION: Andrew to contact Rich Felker (dalias) and Alan Coopersmith (Solaris) 
for feedback. 
ACTION: Eric B to contact glibc folks.

Bug 1616: Standardize mktemp utility OPEN

We will need a sponsor; it is not suitable for inclusion in Issue 8.
ACTION: Eric to ask The Open Group to sponsor adding the mktemp utility
(for Issue 9).

Bug 1291: Add method to obtain pthread attributes OPEN

Needs additional details and sponsor for Issue 9

Bug 1616: Standardize mktemp utility OPEN

Will need a sponsor; not suitable for inclusion in Issue 8.

AI Eric to ask The Open Group to sponsor adding the mktemp utility
(for Issue 9).

* Current Business

Bug 0000251: Forbid newline, or even bytes 1 through 31 (inclusive), in 
filenames  OPEN

(brought forward)
Don has an action to produce a proposal.

Bug 1617: what tsort should do with cycles? Accepted as Marked

This item is tagged for issue 8

On page 3237 line 109962, change:
    tsort [file]
    tsort [-w] [file]

Add a new paragraph to the DESCRIPTION of tsort after D2.1 P3237, L109968:
    If a cycle is found in the input, diagnostic or warning messages
    shall be written to standard error reporting that there is a
    cycle and indicating which nodes are in the cycle(s). If the
    -w option is specified, these messages shall be diagnostic
    messages. If a diagnostic message is written, the final exit
    status shall be non-zero.

On page 3237 line 109970, change OPTIONS from:
    The tsort utility shall conform to [xref to XBD Section 12.2].

        The following option shall be supported:


        Set the exit status to the number of cycles found in the
        input, or to an implementation defined maximum if there are
        more cycles than that maximum. If no cycles are found, the
        exit status shall be zero unless another error occurs.

Change the STDERR in tsort on P3238, L100001 from:
    The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic messages.
    The standard error shall be used only for diagnostic and warning messages.

On page 3238 line 110009 change:
    >0 An error occurred.
    >0 An error occurred. If the -w option is specified and one or
    more cycles were found in the input, the exit status shall be
    the number of cycles found, or an implementation defined maximum
    if more cycles than that maximum were found.

Change RATIONALE at page 3238 line 110033 from "None" to:
    At the time that the -w option was added to this standard, the
    only known implementation reported a maximum of 255 cycles via
    the exit status. This has the drawback that applications cannot
    distinguish, from the exit status, errors caused by cycles from
    other errors or (when tsort() is executed from a shell) termination
    by a signal. Implementations are urged to set the
    implementation-defined maximum number of cycles reported via
    the exit status to at most 125, leaving 128 for other errors,
    and leaving 126, 127, and values greater than 128 to have the
    special meanings that the shell assigns to them. (An implemenation
    that wants to distinguish other types of errors would need to
    set the maximum to less than 125 so that 128 is not the only
    code available for those errors).

Change FUTURE DIRECTIONS at line 110035 from "None" to:
    A future version of this standard may require that when the -w
    option is specified, the maximum number of cycles reported
    through the exit status of tsort is at most 125 and that exit
    status values 126, 127, and greater than 128 are not used by

Bug 243: Add -print0 to "find" OPEN

Geoff has added a proposed resolution in bug 6091.
We started on this item and will continue again next time.

Next Steps
The next calls are on:
   Mon 2023-01-09 (general bugs)
   Thu 2023-01-12 (general bugs)

The calls are for 90 minutes

Calls are anchored on US time. (8am Pacific)

Please check the calendar invites for dial in details.

Bugs are at:

An etherpad is usually up for the meeting, with a URL using the date format as 

(For write access this uses The Open Group single sign on,
for those individuals with accounts.
Please contact Andrew if you need to be setup)

Andrew Josey                    The Open Group
Austin Group Chair          
Apex Plaza, Forbury Road,Reading,Berks.RG1 1AX,England

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