Enclosed are the minutes from the meeting this week

Minutes of the 20th April 2023 Teleconference    Austin-1307 Page 1 of 1
Submitted by Andrew Josey, The Open Group.         22nd April 2023

    Don Cragun,  IEEE PASC OR
    Nick Stoughton, Logitech/USENIX, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 22 OR
    Geoff Clare, The Open Group
    Andrew Josey, The Open Group
    Tom Thompson, IEEE
    Eric Blake, Red Hat, The Open Group OR
    Eric Ackermann, HPI, University of Potsdam

    Mark Ziegast, SHware Systems Dev.

* General news

A reminder that we have switched to meeting once per week (on Thursdays)
while the current ballot is in progress, that is until June.

On the IEEE ballot status remains unchanged, we have 4 comments received to date
(2 editorial, 2 technical), with a return rate of 50% (9 ballots 
out of 18 received).

We discussed the pending dissolution of the PASC committee. Tom took
an action to reach out to Joe Gwinn so as to inform the PASC,
and also to facilitate a virtual meeting if needed to discuss the matter.

* Carried Forward

This section trimmed -- see Austin/1306

* Current Business

Bug 1630: Alias names Accepted as Marked

This item is tagged for Issue 8.

On draft 3 page 2462 line 79899 section 2.3.1, change:
    * the TOKEN could be parsed as the command name word of a simple
    command ...
    * either the TOKEN is being considered for alias substitution
    because it follows an alias substitution whose replacement value
    ended with a <blank> (see below) or the TOKEN could be parsed
    as the command name word of a simple command ...

After draft 3 page 2565 line 83832 section alias, add:

    5. Add the -F option to interactive uses of ls, even when
    executed as <tt>xargs ls</tt> or <tt>xargs -0 ls</tt>:

    alias ls='ls -F'
    alias xargs='xargs '
    alias -- -0='-0 '
    find . [...] -print | xargs ls      # breaks on filenames with \n (two 
aliases expanded)
    find . [...] -print0 | xargs -0 ls  # minimizes \n issues (three aliases 

Bug 1642: DUMB terminal is not defined  Accepted as Marked

This item is tagged for TC3-2008.

On page 2739 line 89670 section ex, change:
    The editor simulates an intelligent terminal on a dumb terminal.
    If redraw is set and the terminal is a type incapable of
    supporting open or visual modes, the editor shall redraw the
    screen when necessary in order to update its contents.

Bug 1643: fprintf %lc: wrong reference to the current conversion specification 

This item is tagged for TC3-2008.

Bug 1644: void * to function pointer is described in annex J of C standard 
(informative). OPEN

We will start on this item next time.

Next Steps
The next calls are on:
   Thu 2023-04-27 (general bugs)
   Thu 2023-05-04 (general bugs)  tentative

The calls are for 90 minutes

Calls are anchored on US time. (8am Pacific)

Please check the calendar invites for dial in details.

Bugs are at:

An etherpad is usually up for the meeting, with a URL using the date format as 

(For write access this uses The Open Group single sign on,
for those individuals with accounts.
Please contact Andrew if you need to be setup)

Andrew Josey                    The Open Group
Austin Group Chair          
Apex Plaza, Forbury Road,Reading,Berks.RG1 1AX,England

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