A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                geoffclare
Assigned To:                
Project:                    1003.1(2016/18)/Issue7+TC2
Issue ID:                   1746
Category:                   Shell and Utilities
Type:                       Clarification Requested
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       Geoff Clare 
Organization:               The Open Group 
User Reference:              
Section:                    fuser 
Page Number:                2817 
Line Number:                92698 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2023-06-13 15:58 UTC
Last Modified:              2023-06-20 15:56 UTC
Summary:                    fuser output format clarification

 (0006341) geoffclare (manager) - 2023-06-20 15:56
New proposal that (I hope) addresses all the points raised so far...

On page 2816 line 92653 section fuser (NAME), change:<blockquote>list
process IDs of all processes that have one or more files
open</blockquote>to:<blockquote>list process IDs of all processes that are
using one or more named files</blockquote>
On page 2816 line 92657 section fuser (DESCRIPTION), change:<blockquote>The
<i>fuser</i> utility shall write to standard output the process IDs of
processes running on the local system that have one or more named files
open. For block special devices, all processes using any file on that
device are listed.

The <i>fuser</i> utility shall write to standard error additional
information about the named files indicating how the file is being used.

Any output for processes running on remote systems that have a named file
open is unspecified.

A user may need appropriate privileges to invoke the <i>fuser</i>
utility.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>For each <i>file</i> operand, in order,
<i>fuser</i> shall write one line of output, some of it to standard output,
and the rest to standard error, giving information about processes running
on the local system that are using the file. A process shall be considered
to be using a file if it has at least one open file descriptor associated
with the file or if the file is a directory that is the current working
directory or the root directory for the process, and may be considered to
be using a file for other implementation-dependent reasons. If <i>file</i>
names a block special device that contains a mounted file system, and the
<b>-f</b> option is not specified, any processes using any file on that
mounted file system and any processes that are using the device file itself
shall be listed.

Any output for processes running on remote systems that are using a named
file is unspecified.

A user may need appropriate privileges to invoke the <i>fuser</i> utility.

When standard output and standard error are directed to the same file, the
output for each <i>file</i> operand shall be interleaved so that it is
written to the file in the following order: <ul><li>On standard error, a
pathname for the file, immediately followed by a <colon> and zero or more
<blank> characters. The pathname shall be either the <i>file</i> operand
(unaltered) or the pathname that would result from a successful call to the
<i>realpath</i>() function, defined in System Interfaces volume of
POSIX.1-202x, with the <i>file</i> operand as its <i>file_name</i>
<li>For each process using the file:<blockquote><ul><li>On standard output,
the process ID in the format:<pre>" %1d", <<i>process ID</i>></pre></li>
<li>On standard error, information about the file's use by the process, in
the following format:<pre>"%s", <<i>use chars</i>></pre>if the <b>-u</b>
option is not specified, or in the following format:<pre>"%s(%s)", <<i>use
chars</i>>, <<i>user name</i>></pre>if the <b>-u</b> option is specified,
where <<i>use chars</i>> is a string of zero or more characters indicating
the use of the file and <<i>user name</i>> is the user name corresponding
to the real user ID of the process or, if the user name cannot be resolved
from the real user ID of the process, the real user ID of the process in
decimal. The value of <<i>use chars</i>> shall include the character 'c' if
the process is using the file as its current directory and the character
'r' if the process is using the file as its root directory; implementations
may include other alphabetic characters to indicate other uses of the
file.</li> </ul></blockquote></li>
<li>On standard error, a <newline> character.</li> </ul>

When standard output and standard error are not directed to the same file,
the data written to each shall be as described above but the ordering of
writes to standard output relative to writes to standard error is
unspecified. For example, <i>fuser</i> might first write the information
for all <i>file</i> operands to standard error and then write all of the
process IDs to standard output.</blockquote>
On page 2816 line 92667 section fuser (OPTIONS, -c), change:<blockquote>The
file is treated as a mount point and the utility shall report on any files
open in the file system.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>If a <i>file</i>
operand names a directory that is the mount point of a mounted file system,
all processes using any file on that file system shall be listed as if they
were using the named directory. The behavior for any <i>file</i> operand
that names an existing file that is not the mount point of a mounted file
system is unspecified.</blockquote>
On page 2816 line 92674 section fuser (OPERANDS), change:<blockquote>A
pathname on which the file or file system is to be
reported.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>A pathname of a file for which the
processes using the file are to be reported.</blockquote>
On page 2817 line 92696-92698 section fuser, replace the STDOUT section
with:<blockquote>See DESCRIPTION.</blockquote>
On page 2817 line 92700-92716 section fuser, replace the STDERR section
with:<blockquote>The <i>fuser</i> utility shall write diagnostic messages
to standard error.

The <i>fuser</i> utility also shall write information to standard error as
specified in the DESCRIPTION section.</blockquote>
On page 2818 line 92728 section fuser, change APPLICATION USAGE from "None"
to:<blockquote>Things can change while <i>fuser</i> is running; the
snapshot it gives is only true for an instant, and might not be accurate by
the time it is displayed.</blockquote>
On page 2818 line 92743 section fuser (EXAMPLES),
change:<blockquote><pre>fuser <<i>block device</i>></pre>writes to standard
output the process IDs of processes that are using any file which is on the
device named by <<i>block device</i>> and writes to standard error an
indication of how those processes are using the file.
<pre>fuser -f <<i>block device</i>></pre>writes to standard output the
process IDs of processes that are using the file <<i>block device</i>>
itself and writes to standard error an indication of how those processes
are using the file.</blockquote>to:<blockquote><pre>fuser <<i>mounted block
device</i>></pre>writes to standard output the process IDs of processes
that are using any file on the mounted file system contained by <<i>mounted
block device</i>> and of processes that are using the device file
<<i>mounted block device</i>> itself, and writes to standard error an
indication of how those processes are using the files.
<pre>fuser -f <<i>mounted block device</i>></pre>writes to standard output
the process IDs of processes that are using the device file <<i>mounted
block device</i>> itself and writes to standard error an indication of how
those processes are using the file.</blockquote> 

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2023-06-13 15:58 geoffclare     New Issue                                    
2023-06-13 15:58 geoffclare     Name                      => Geoff Clare     
2023-06-13 15:58 geoffclare     Organization              => The Open Group  
2023-06-13 15:58 geoffclare     Section                   => fuser           
2023-06-13 15:58 geoffclare     Page Number               => 2817            
2023-06-13 15:58 geoffclare     Line Number               => 92698           
2023-06-13 15:58 geoffclare     Interp Status             => ---             
2023-06-13 20:20 kre            Note Added: 0006330                          
2023-06-13 20:44 kre            Note Added: 0006331                          
2023-06-15 09:35 geoffclare     Note Added: 0006332                          
2023-06-15 13:58 kre            Note Added: 0006334                          
2023-06-15 14:36 kre            Note Added: 0006335                          
2023-06-20 15:56 geoffclare     Note Added: 0006341                          

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