The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                kre
Assigned To:                
Project:                    Issue 8 drafts
Issue ID:                   1785
Category:                   Shell and Utilities
Type:                       Error
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       Robert Elz 
User Reference:              
Section:                    XCU 
Page Number:                2483 
Line Number:                80766-80778, 80790-80792 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2023-10-28 04:09 UTC
Last Modified:              2023-10-28 04:09 UTC
Summary:                    Conflict in specification of processing of
declaration utilities
In XCU bullet point 2, ut is said:

     The first word (if any) that is not a variable assignment or
     shall be expanded.   If any fields remain following its expansion,
     first field shall be considered the command name. If no fields
     the next word (if any) shall be expanded, and so on, until a command
     is found or no words remain.

All that is fine and boring, then it continues:

     If there is a command name and it is recognized as a declaration
     then any remaining words after the word that expanded to produce the
     command name, that would be recognized as a variable assignment in
     isolation, shall be expanded as a variable assignment  [...]

(it goes on to what all of that means, which is not important here).

Note the required sequence, "the first word shall be expanded" ... [If
there is one and] "it is recognised as a declaration utility" ... "shall
expanded as a variable assignment" ...

There is nothing optional about what is specified there, first expand
the word(s), then having found the command name, check if it (the result
of the expansion) is a declaration utility, and if so do the special
that is to be required of such things.

But later, after the bullet points, at lines 80790-80792 (right at the
bottom of page 2483) it says:

    When determining whether a command name is a declaration utility, an
    implementation may use only lexical analysis.

That isn't what the previous text seems to require to me.

    It is unspecified whether assignment context will be used if the
    command name would only become recognized as a declaration utility
    after word expansions.

To me, that looks to be very explicitly specified, as quoted above.

Desired Action: 
Reconcile this nonsense.

Best would be to delete the notion of "declaration utilities" completely,
or at least make them optional (unspecified whether such things work).

They're never needed, one can always simply write

    export FOO

and the assignment will be handled as a var-assign, without any magic
special rules (those two statements can be written in either order, except
for "readonly" where the assignment must come first), or if you prefer,
the following also works

    FOO=whatever-I-like export FOO

if you really need to do it all in one statement.

This declaration utility nonsense (the special rules for arg processing)
were added just to pacify people who don't understand the order in which
the shell parses commands in general, and the syntax of the parts.  What's
more, including it, then leads to people wondering why (if we assume
a file named "foo bar" (without the quotes) exists in '.'

    dd if=~/foo* ...
    awk -v var=foo* ...

aren't parsed the same way, after all, they look just the same, your
average shell command line user has no idea what a "declaration utility"
might be.   Must easier to explain that the special rules for things which
look like (and always are) var-assigns apply only to those which appear
before the command name, as soon as there is anything (other than a
all the special processing stops.

But in any case, this "shall do ..." followed immediately by "may be done
differently" needs to be fixed, one way or the other - either change
point 2 to make all of what it says about finding declaration utilities
optional, or simply remove lines 90790-2, and require it to be implemented
as in bullet point 2.

[Aside: none of this means much to me, I have no intention of implementing
"declaration utilities" whichever scheme were to be adopted.]


Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2023-10-28 04:09 kre            New Issue                                    
2023-10-28 04:09 kre            Name                      => Robert Elz      
2023-10-28 04:09 kre            Section                   => XCU     
2023-10-28 04:09 kre            Page Number               => 2483            
2023-10-28 04:09 kre            Line Number               => 80766-80778,

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