A NOTE has been added to this issue. 
Reported By:                calestyo
Assigned To:                
Project:                    Issue 8 drafts
Issue ID:                   1806
Category:                   Shell and Utilities
Type:                       Clarification Requested
Severity:                   Editorial
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       Christoph Anton Mitterer 
User Reference:              
Section:                    Shell Command Language 
Page Number:                2571 
Line Number:                83916, ff. 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2024-02-02 22:53 UTC
Last Modified:              2024-02-25 23:22 UTC
Summary:                    ambiguous description of which attribtes `unset`
unsets in case of readonly attribute being set

 (0006684) larryv (reporter) - 2024-02-25 23:22
Re: https://austingroupbugs.net/view.php?id=1806#c6679:<blockquote>With all of
this, everyone should also note
that being readonly does not (in any shell I can test) prevent the "export"
attribute from being set, it just stops "unset" from clearing it.  There's
no reason a shell that provides some other way (than unset) from removing
the export attribute cannot allow that other mechanism to remove "export"
from a readonly variable (all of that is beyond the standard however - but
the standard must not prohibit any of this.)</blockquote>Indeed, this is
already possible in bash 5.2.26 (including POSIX mode), ksh93u+ 2012-08-01,
yash 2.54 (except POSIXly-correct mode), and zsh 5.9 (native
mode):<pre>readonly foo
export foo
if [ "$YASH_VERSION" ]
        typeset -X foo
        typeset +x foo

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2024-02-02 22:53 calestyo       New Issue                                    
2024-02-02 22:53 calestyo       Name                      => Christoph Anton
2024-02-02 22:53 calestyo       Section                   => Shell Command
2024-02-02 22:53 calestyo       Page Number               => 2571            
2024-02-02 22:53 calestyo       Line Number               => 83916, ff.      
2024-02-03 00:30 larryv         Note Added: 0006647                          
2024-02-13 20:10 mirabilos      Note Added: 0006653                          
2024-02-13 20:25 mirabilos      Note Added: 0006654                          
2024-02-13 22:48 calestyo       Note Added: 0006655                          
2024-02-13 22:55 calestyo       Note Added: 0006656                          
2024-02-25 07:34 kre            Note Added: 0006679                          
2024-02-25 21:50 calestyo       Note Added: 0006680                          
2024-02-25 22:36 larryv         Note Added: 0006681                          
2024-02-25 23:00 calestyo       Note Added: 0006682                          
2024-02-25 23:16 larryv         Note Added: 0006683                          
2024-02-25 23:22 larryv         Note Added: 0006684                          

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