Hi наб.

Please could you submit this as a Mantis bug.


Let me know if you need me to create an account for you.

BTW it's ls, not tail.


наб wrote, on 27 Jun 2024:
> Hi!
> Issue 8, XCU, tail, STDOUT says
>   103449 If the −i option is specified, the file’s file serial number (see 
> XBD <sys/stat.h>) shall be written in
>   103450 the following format before any other output for the corresponding 
> entry:
>   103451 %u ", <file serial number>
>   103452 If the −l option is specified, the following information shall be 
> written for files other than
>   103453 character special and block special files:
> Issues 6 and 7 say the same thing.
> Issues 5 and 4 say (sorry, my SUSv2 and SUSv1 XCU PDFs are unnumbered):
>   If the −i option is specified, the file’s file serial number (see 
> <sys/stat.h> in the XSH specification)
>   is written in the following format before any other output for the 
> corresponding entry:
>     "%u ", <file serial number>
>   If the −l option is specified, the following information will be written:
> Issue 3 doesn't have this text at all.
> Proposed resolution:
> - 103451 %u ", <file serial number>
> + 103451 "%u ", <file serial number>
> Best,

Geoff Clare <g.cl...@opengroup.org>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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