The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                geoffclare
Assigned To:                
Project:                    1003.1(2024)/Issue8
Issue ID:                   1836
Category:                   Shell and Utilities
Type:                       Omission
Severity:                   Objection
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       Geoff Clare 
Organization:               The Open Group 
User Reference:              
Section:                    expand, unexpand 
Page Number:                2912, 3491 
Line Number:                97167, 97169, 119166, 119168 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2024-06-27 15:55 UTC
Last Modified:              2024-06-27 15:55 UTC
Summary:                    Missing statements about reading from standard input
The expand and unexpand pages are missing the usual statements in OPERANDS
and STDIN about reading from standard input when no file operands are

It is clear from the SYNOPSIS that executing these utilities with no file
operands is allowed, and the reference to INPUT FILES from STDIN gives a
clue that the intended behaviour is for them to read from standard input in
that case.

Desired Action: 
On page 2912 line 97167 section expand (OPERANDS), change:<blockquote>The
pathname of a text file to be used as input.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>A
pathname of a text file to be used as input. If no <i>file</i> operands are
specified, the standard input shall be used.</blockquote>
On page 2912 line 97169 section expand (STDIN), change:<blockquote>See the
INPUT FILES section.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>The standard input shall be
used if no file operands are specified, and shall be used if a file operand
is '-' and the implementation treats the '-' as meaning standard input.
Otherwise, the standard input shall not be used. See the INPUT FILES
On page 3491 line 119166 section unexpand (OPERANDS), change:<blockquote>A
pathname of a text file to be used as input.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>A
pathname of a text file to be used as input. If no <i>file</i> operands are
specified, the standard input shall be used.</blockquote>
On page 3491 line 119168 section unexpand (STDIN), change:<blockquote>See
the INPUT FILES section.</blockquote>to:<blockquote>The standard input
shall be used if no file operands are specified, and shall be used if a
file operand is '-' and the implementation treats the '-' as meaning
standard input. Otherwise, the standard input shall not be used. See the
INPUT FILES section.</blockquote>


Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2024-06-27 15:55 geoffclare     New Issue                                    
2024-06-27 15:55 geoffclare     Name                      => Geoff Clare     
2024-06-27 15:55 geoffclare     Organization              => The Open Group  
2024-06-27 15:55 geoffclare     Section                   => expand, unexpand
2024-06-27 15:55 geoffclare     Page Number               => 2912, 3491      
2024-06-27 15:55 geoffclare     Line Number               => 97167, 97169,
119166, 119168
2024-06-27 15:55 geoffclare     Interp Status             => ---             

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