The following issue has been SUBMITTED. 
Reported By:                nabijaczleweli
Assigned To:                
Project:                    1003.1(2024)/Issue8
Issue ID:                   1858
Category:                   System Interfaces
Type:                       Clarification Requested
Severity:                   Editorial
Priority:                   normal
Status:                     New
Name:                       наб 
User Reference:              
Section:                    open_memstream 
Page Number:                1526 
Line Number:                51164-51176 
Interp Status:              --- 
Final Accepted Text:         
Date Submitted:             2024-09-19 12:25 UTC
Last Modified:              2024-09-19 12:25 UTC
Summary:                    open_memstream() doesn't say where the result lies
open_memstream() doesn't actually say where the result is. All
implementations (musl, NetBSD, the illumos gate, OpenBSD, FreeBSD) except
glibc are in agreement that it's in
  [*bufp, *bufp + max-ever-ftell]
whereas glibc behaves like
  [*bufp, *bufp + *sizep] and mangles the last byte to always be NUL

This stems from running the following program:
        #include <stdio.h>
        int main() {
                char *dt;
                size_t s;
                FILE * f = open_memstream(&dt, &s);
                fputs("gaming", f);      // 1
                fputs("tereftalan", f);  // 2
                fseek(f, 6, SEEK_SET);   // 3
                fputc('Q', f);           // 4
                printf("%zu\n", s);
which outputs ("gamingQereftalan", 7) on all implementations except glibc
which yields ("gamingQ", 7).

The relevant bit is ll. 51164-51176:

51164  The stream shall maintain a current position in the allocated buffer
and a current buffer length.
51165  The position shall be initially set to zero (the start of the
buffer). Each write to the stream shall
51166  start at the current position and move this position by the number
of successfully written bytes
51167  for open_memstream( ) or the number of successfully written wide
characters for
51168  open_wmemstream( ). The length shall be initially set to zero. If a
write moves the position to a
51169  value larger than the current length, the current length shall be
set to this position. In this case a
51170  null character for open_memstream( ) or a null wide character for
open_wmemstream( ) shall be
51171  appended to the current buffer. For both functions the terminating
null is not included in the
51172  calculation of the buffer length.

51173  After a successful fflush( ) or fclose( ), the pointer referenced by
bufp shall contain the address of
51174  the buffer, and the variable pointed to by sizep shall contain the
smaller of the current buffer
51175  length and the number of bytes for open_memstream( ), or the number
of wide characters for
51176  open_wmemstream( ), between the beginning of the buffer and the
current file position indicator.

During initial discussion
( DJ
read the second paragraph to mean "the size of the output is the smaller of
...". It's important to note that it does not say this.

In fact, it doesn't say anything about where the [*bufp, ... range ends.
The reads I can imagine are, in ascending order:
  [*bufp, *sizep) — this is obviously not it, because 51168-51172
explicitly mention both appending of and accounting for a NUL terminator;
if it weren't part of the output, then it wouldn't be mentioned
  [*bufp, *sizep] — the page doesn't mention the buffer shrinking, ever,
so I'd say "no". but clearly glibc thinks this (and also mangles the last
  [*bufp, max-ever-ftell) — also obviously not it for the same reason as
the first open range
  [*bufp, max-ever-ftell] — this accounts for all behaviours described in
the manual, and agrees with every implementation that isn't glibc

>From glibc's behaviour of altering (*bufp)[*sizep] (and DJ's comments), we
can interpret that it considers it to be a part of the output and that the
output ends there, so [*bufp, *sizep].

>From everyone else's behaviour of not doing this, we can interpret that
they consider the buffer to be [*bufp, max-ever-ftell]-sized (in this case,
per 51168-51172, the last byte is always NUL by definition, but that
doesn't change anything).

If the output range is [*bufp, *sizep] then if fflush(f) was called after
each numbered line the result is:
  1. ("gaming\0", 6)
  2. ("gamingtereftalan\0", 16)
  3. ("gamingt", 6)
  4. ("gamingQe", 7)

If the output range is [*bufp, max-ever-ftell] then if fflush(f) was called
after each numbered line the result is:
  1. ("gaming\0", 6)
  2. ("gamingtereftalan\0", 16)
  3. ("gamingtereftalan\0", 6)
  4. ("gamingQereftalan\0", 7)

glibc does a variant of the former that also changes the last byte of the
output to NUL. As far I can tell, it is not allowed to do this (it can only
add NULs after writes that extend the buffer (51168-51172), so after 1. and

Thus, IMO, the only consensus implementation that doesn't already violate
the standard text is everyone-sans-glibc.

The EXAMPLE avoids touching this (presumably because, per 0001406, it at
least nominally tries to mirror glibc), and always seeks to a position
that's identical to the former max-ever-ftell (which, if it didn't, would
be broken on glibc).

Desired Action: 
Please interpret what the output range is.

Issue History 
Date Modified    Username       Field                    Change               
2024-09-19 12:25 nabijaczleweli New Issue                                    
2024-09-19 12:25 nabijaczleweli Name                      => наб          
2024-09-19 12:25 nabijaczleweli Section                   => open_memstream  
2024-09-19 12:25 nabijaczleweli Page Number               => 1526            
2024-09-19 12:25 nabijaczleweli Line Number               => 51164-51176     

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