I've created a new patch (attached) incorporating your suggestions. See my 
comments inline below.

> From: dwhee...@dwheeler.com
> To: dale.vis...@gmail.com
> Subject: Re: Turn on compiler warnings by default for AC_PROG_CC,     
> Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2014 15:49:11 -0500
> CC: autoconf-patches@gnu.org
> ...
> it makes sense to go ahead and add it.  This suggests that you need to 
> carefully word
> the "IFVALID" macro output, something like this:
>   checking if -Wno-such-option can be added to CFLAGS... yes
> so that users know that it "can be added", vs. "is supported".

Done, with the wording you suggested. On my system (gcc version is 4.8.1), I 
tested the gcc oddity you mentioned and found that it only applied to flags of 
the form -Wno-*. E.g., -Wnosuchoption and -Wjunk would still not be added, but 
-Wno-way would be added and harmlessly ignored.

> ./doc/autoconf.texi:23579: warning: `(' follows defined name 
> `AC_APPEND_FLAG_IFVALID' instead of whitespace.
> Can you fix the documentation to remove those warnings?

Done. For some reason, those warning never showed for me. How fitting... :-)

> Also, I have a a few other minor comments about the documentation text.
> I think the text should FIRST say what it does, then later who uses it.

Done. I *was* inconsistent on a couple of macros, and that was going against 
the established documentation style.

> It should also cross-reference other related macros if the user might want to 
> use that one instead,
> in particular, I think AC_APPEND_FLAG should cross-reference to 
> because I think most users would typically use that instead (or at least want 
> to know about it).

Also done.

Thank you for your helpful comments. Let me know what you think of the latest.

Best regards,
Dale Visser

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