Akim Demaille wrote:
> >>>>> "Ralf" == Ralf Corsepius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Ralf> Akim Demaille wrote:
> >> Let's flush all the documentation related patches, Lars' cleanups,
> >> and target an actual release next week.
> Ralf> I am in favor for letting autoconf-2.50 be preceeded by a at
> Ralf> least 4 weeks long "code-freeze", "inevitable bug-fixes only"
> Ralf> and "no new features/cleanups" phase. Releasing it next week
s/cleanups/no cleanups/

> Ralf> would mean to push it, IMHO.
> The thing is, we have already done this. 
Sorry, but I had not written what I did if I shared our opinion :)

> No real patch gets in.
> Nobody complains about the betas.  And no one use them.  Let's face
> it, the only means to have feedback on Autoconf is to release it and
> be ready to release another one within a month.

The decision is yours -- if it works out, fine, if not, you'll be
the one who will be flamed :)


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