On 23-Jul-2001, Pavel Roskin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

| > This virus crap is getting rather irritating. If you are going to use
| > email with Win, get an antivirus program, or disconnect.
| Please don't copy your replies to the list.  Nobody here wants except the
| original "poster" deserves your criticism.

I think the original and multiple unsolicited messages and the umpteen
automated replies are much more annoying than this person's comments.

| > Yes, I will unsubscribe, the spam and virus is just too much.
| Please don't.  Use the following rules in .procmailrc:

I think it is a bit much to assume that everyone on the list uses (or
can effectively use) procmail recipies.  Think slow modem and a mail
server that does not allow Unix shell access.  A local procmail filter
is next to worthless when the unsolicited messages start weighing in
at a megabyte or more.

Would it be possible to apply recipes such as you suggest at the GNU
mailing list server but instead of deleting them, bounce them to a
moderator (or moderators) who could decide whether they should be
posted?  If the moderator only has to deal with messages that look
like junk, then it should not be too much work, or slow down the
discussion much.


www.octave.org        | Unfortunately we were hoplessly optimistic in 1954
www.che.wisc.edu/~jwe | about the problems of debugging FORTRAN programs.
                      |                                       -- J. Backus

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