On Thu, May 23, 2002 at 11:34:25PM -0700, Paul Eggert wrote:
> > Date: Thu, 23 May 2002 13:49:39 +0100
> > From: John Poltorak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > By POSIX compatible do include command line switches.
> Yes, Autoconf assumes command-line switches that conform to POSIX.
> cc is a special case, though, since POSIX doesn't specify its syntax.
> However, POSIX does specify the syntax of the 'c99' (or 'c89' for
> older POSIX versions) command, and this should work with Autoconf.

Do you have a link for these POSIX command-line switches?
> > Watcom C requires an equals sign, ie. -fo=foo.o, -fo foo.o won't work.
> > Also, command line arguments are case-insensitive so there is no way to 
> > distinguish between -o and -O.
> I understand that Watcom C provides a wrapper that emulates "cc".
> I'd use that wrapper, and avoid using the wcc386 command directly.

I guess this wrapper is referred to as a CC driver in Watcom parlance... 

> > Is Autoconf designed for including compiler specific options? ie does 
> > anyone use it with anything other than gcc?
> Yes, people use it with non-gcc compilers all the time.  It works fine.

Are you aware anyone using Watcom C yet?


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