Hello, I think that AC_CXX_CHECK_LIB fits not very good into the AC_LANG_PUSH ... concept but I suppose there is no chance to avoid a new function. The problem with AC_CHECK_LIB is that it uses C linkage for C++ libraries. I think the interface to a C++ library check should look like:
AC_CXX_CHECK_LIB (LIBRARY, DECLARATION-SECTION,CALL-SECTION, [ACTION-IF-FOUND],[ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND], [OTHER-LIBRARIES]) If someone uses header files in the DECLARATION-SECTION he is responsible to check them. If header files are not availible, she can write the necessary declarations explicitly. An alternative is to write no new function, but place a hint into the documentation that you cannot use AC_CHECK_LIB for C++ an should use AC_TRY_LINK. Ciao Sebastian