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According to eric melbardis on 11/30/2008 12:26 PM:
> i am using the cygwin environment (VISTA x64) (latest version as of nov 30,
> 2008) and autoconf-2.63.
> generated files, such as pkgIndex.tcl, get generated with added CR, even on
> filesystems mounted as bin.

I tested autoconf 2.63 on cygwin prior to releasing it, and did not run
into this problem.  I suspect that you are using a text mount, even though
you claim to be using a binary mount.  Or maybe you are in binary mode,
but pkgIndex.tcl.in already has CR from something else you did, and
autoconf preserves those CR when it created pkgIndex.tcl.  The cygwin list
may be a better place to track this to resolution.  However, I can confirm
that on cygwin, autoconf is only tested on binary mode mounts and is very
likely to do the wrong thing on text mode mounts, and that I am unlikely
to do anything about that situation.

- --
Don't work too hard, make some time for fun as well!

Eric Blake             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (Cygwin)
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