On Sun, 02 Feb 2014 23:21:03 +1000
Peter Johansson <troj...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [adding bug-automake]
> On 02/02/14 12:25, infirit wrote:
> > So for a project we wanted to make the tarball different from from
> > the package name. So we updated AC_INIT and added the tarname and
> > indeed now the tarball generated changes.
> >
> > However, we noticed that now the $PACKAGE variable is also changed
> > to what we set as tarname. Which then caused files being installed
> > in the wrong place as now $(pkgdatadir) changed as well.
> The first argument in AC_INIT is used to set variable $PACKAGE_NAME.
> The variable $PACKAGE is set by Automake within AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE
> somehow inferred from your AC_INIT call, so this looks like a bug (or
> feature) in Automake (cc:d here). I think you can solve your problem
> by adding no-define to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE and define variables PACKAGE
> and version yourself. Hopefully the gurus on the list have some
> better idea.

Thanks for the reply and the suggestion but it does not fix
the problem unfortunately. I tried this:

AC_INIT([this_is_package], [0.0.1], [http://someurl/],
AC_DEFINE([PACKAGE], ["this_is_package"], [])
AC_DEFINE([VERSION], ["0.0.1"], [])
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.9 foreign dist-xz no-dist-gzip no-define])


echo ${PACKAGE}

But $PACKAGE is still set to "this_is_package_tarname" while I set it
to be "this_is_package" with AC_DEFINE.


> > As an example, we changed
> > AC_INIT([this_is_package], [0.0.1], [http://someurl/])
> >
> > to
> > AC_INIT([this_is_package], [0.0.1], [http://someurl/],
> > [this_is_package_tarname])
> >
> > I tested this with a small configure.ac and empty Makefile.am. The
> > example is below.

<updated example configure.ac above>

> > I put in some echo's at the end of the configure.ac and indeed the
> > variables $PACKAGE and $PACKAGE_TARNAME *both* change when adding
> > the tarname to AC_INIT.
> >
> > Is this a bug in autoconf or are we missing something?
> >
> > I am not subscribed so please cc me on replies.

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