Hi Ian,

thx for clarify. I tried now about 2 days to convert
the following file-map to a program-map - but I failed.

Could you give me a hint ?

*** /etc/auto.master
/home/f         /etc/auto.test1

*** /etc/auto.test1
test1   -rw     / :/tmp  \
                /test :/var

This works like a Charme
  [r...@fs1 /home]$ /etc/init.d/autofs  restart
  Stopping automounter: done.
  Starting automounter: done.
  [r...@fs1 /home]$ ls /home/f/test1
  DataDir_-usr-local-staf-data-STAF.tmp  STAF.tmp  STAFIPC_STAF
STAFIPC_STAFJSTAF_STAFJVM1  autofs-dynamic.local  autofs-dynamic.remote
hsperfdata_root  test     
  [r...@fs1 /home]$ ls /home/f/test1/test
  autofs  backups  cache  lib  local  lock  log  mail  opt  run  spool
tmp  www

I tried a lot of variants with a program map - but I did't get
managed to mount a root (like "test1   -rw     / :/tmp") via
Mounting ONLY a subdir (like "test1   -rw     /xx :/tmp") works fine.

Could you please give me a sample converting the file-map sample above
to a program-map ?

Thx for helping in advance ..


P.S.: Usecase - I want to include different bind-mounts to the users
home dynamically, so
I want to use autofs for "creating/bind-mounting" the users home on the

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