Hi, i've been trying out the autofs mounter to gain more availability in
my network environment ... I have a number of users created already
under :


/home/teratux  :: For example

I want to be able to automount a resource from NFS in this exact
location.  This is my auto.master:

/home   /etc/auto.home --timeout=10

This is my auto.home:

x          -ro,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,noatime

My problem lies where the "x" is.  How do I use an indirect key name in
a way that any request under /home automatically fires up the
automounter?? I already tried:

/   /etc/auto.home --timeout=10

home          -ro,soft,intr,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,noatime

With no success.  The /etc/init.d/autofs status script doesn't show
anything going on ... I'm using Debian as you can already imagine, a
2.6.26 standard kernel, and autofs 4.1.4

Can anyone help me??

Thanks ...

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