Den 2011-09-05 10:06 skrev Stefano Lattarini:
> On Monday 05 September 2011, Peter Rosin wrote:
>> Hi!
> Hi Peter, thanks for the patch.
>> This fixes a fail on Cygwin (and others I suppose).
>> I'm aware that the lax non-gnu-tar branch adds even more laxness
>> since $EXEEXT normally contains a dot for the oddball cases when
>> it's non-empty, but that's so minor that I didn't bother to code
>> around it...  Ok for maint?
> I only have a minor nit: I'd prefer the extraction of `EXEEXT' from
> Makefile to be done by something like this (avoiding use of "eval"):
>  EXEEXT=`sed -n -e 's/^EXEEXT *= *//p'`
> And BTW, this could also be improved to allow escaping of literal
> dots, as in:
>  EXEEXT=`sed -n '/^EXEEXT *=/{ s/^EXEEXT *= *//; s/\./\\./g; p; }'`

I'm ok with your first alternative, but the second is undefined
according to posix (at least 'Limitations of usual tools' in
Autoconf states so; you can't have semicolon after a '{' verb)
and, even worse, it breaks for the gnu tar branch.

So, unless someone else chimes in I'm pushing with this

EXEEXT=`sed -n -e 's/^EXEEXT *= *//p' < ../Makefile`

sometime later today.


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