Tom Tromey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>>> "Morten" == Morten Eriksen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Morten> BTW, I've already written a pretty extensive Qt-check macro. Feel free
> Morten> to check it out, its part of our SoQt distribution at
> Morten> <URL:>, or just do:
> Why not submit it to the autoconf macro archive?
Will do, just need to find the time to do some cleanups, corrections
etc, so I don't embarass myself in public any more than I need to. :^/
BTW, there's a whole bunch of nice and useful macros in our Coin and
Coin-related projects which should eventually be submitted to the
archive. If anyone got too much spare time on their hands, feel free
to hack away at them (hey, I can dream). :^}