Akim Demaille wrote:

> >>>>> "Tom" == Tom Tromey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >>>>> "Akim" == Akim Demaille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Akim> elsif (/^\@(syncode|print)index \w+ (\w*)/) { push
> Akim> @clean_suffixes, "$1s";
> Tom> Shouldn't that be "$2s" here?
> Yes, definitely.  Thanks!

Neither one worked.  I grepped for "@(syncode|print)index" in CVS's
texinfo source and got the following:

    @printindex cp

Are the two \w segments above a typo or maybe just not the general case?


Derek Price                      CVS Solutions Architect ( http://CVSHome.org )
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]         CollabNet ( http://collab.net )
It'll take a miracle to get you out of Casablanca and the Germans have outlawed

                - Sydney Greenstreet as Senor Ferrari, _Casablanca_

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