On Sat, Jun 08, 2002 at 12:54:29PM -0700, Eurijk wrote:
> I've spent the last couple of months searching
> for a way to do backlinking in a dll w/ win32,
> but alas, to no avail! :). Can anyone point
> me in the correct direction? Is this possible?
> Is there any documentation out there for this?
> The autoconf/automake/libtool docs I've seen only
> touch the subject.
> The attached is a simple c++ demo that shows
> where I am at with it, but I can not get it
> to cross-compile to win32.
> Thanks in advance :)

I used to understand how to do this a few years ago, but the memory has
faded.  I do remember that I figured it out from the way TCL uses stub
tables on Windows, and some papers on the Scriptics site.

I'm sorry I can't remember any more details for you, but hope this is of
some help anyway.

  ())_. Gary V. Vaughan     gary@(oranda.demon.co.uk|gnu.org)
  ( '/  Research Scientist  http://www.oranda.demon.co.uk       ,_())____
  / )=  GNU Hacker          http://www.gnu.org/software/libtool  \'      `&
`(_~)_  Tech' Author        http://sources.redhat.com/autobook   =`---d__/

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