Bookman Publishing has developed an exclusive list of over 500 independent film makers. For just $199, we will write an AP style press release for your book, and send it by email directly to this brand new list.
Independent artists made films like The Blair Witch Project and Bowling for Columbine. This is a unique opportunity to introduce your book to the people that make movies. Bookman Marketing is the only company in the industry directly contacting bookstore owners and selling books. Whether you self-published, or your book was produced by a subsidy publisher or print-on-demand publisher, we will sell your book. (And no, you don't have to reprint or republish with us.) If you would like more information on our unique services, reply or call: Brien Jones Author Consultant (800) 342-6068 Phone (765) 342-7217 Fax [EMAIL PROTECTED] To be removed from this mailing, simply type the word "Remove" in the subject line and reply to this message.