Dear list members,

To bring up an issue that has been brought up to this list at least since 1999 and never provided a satisfactory result.

I want to be able to set AR and ARFLAGS using automake.
No discussion possible and I am not even going to discuss why because that doesn't seem to help in any way.

I have contributed a solution to this list that never got included.
After that I found a way around this problem, but the bright minds that develop automake have decided to remove that functionality also.

Now I ended up with a Freeware project that could be compiled on some platforms, but only if certain versions of automake are installed.

I find this very unprofessional and hence I demand a solution that works out of the box until the end of time.

I've tried to put this a kind as possible but I see no reason for actually doing so.

Again, you *have* to provide a way to set AR and ARFLAGS using automake and I am *not* discussing why anymore. That's just a waste of time. If you want to know how to it that, search the archives.

Have a nice day.

Erik Hofman
Software developer for FlightGear Flight Simulator.
C++ developer on IRIX.

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