> (Answering only for Automake, because I've also been confused by
 > Akim's last statements about announcements that shouldn't be
 > considered official.)

Sorry about this.  I was trying to make a difference bw pre-released
on my web site, and really released on GNU site.  Maybe that was wrong

It turns out that a beta, even if you emphasize the need to test it,
is not tested as thoroughly as a real release.  So I was finally quite
happy with having a (pre-)release spread in our community first, then
have some real feedback before making the real release.  This caught a
couple of weak releases by the past, but I realize that this releasing
scheme is a bit obscure.  Unfortunately it relied on this obscurity:
it is important, if you want some real feedback, that many people use
it as a real release.  So if I flag it as a pre-release, I doubt it
will be tested as thoroughly :(

In the future I'll try to be clearer.

And I'm open to suggestions on how to improve the feedback on Autoconf :)

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