Doh! Sometimes I fail to see the forest for the trees. So I copied the
link line and added the --perserve-dup-deps flag. Something weird
happens here. It's cutting off a lot of the file names. I thought at
first it was a copy and paste error but its not - libtool seems to be
doing something really weird. Out put below.


[EMAIL PROTECTED] vlc-0.8.5]$ /bin/sh ./libtool --preserve-dup-deps
--mode=link --tag=CC gcc -Wsign-compare -Wall -pipe -o vlc vlc -vlc.o
src/libvlc.a -Wl,--start-group -lelem_chkpt_api -lelem_chmgmt_api
-lelem_ core_api -lelem_mobj_api -lelem_fault_api -lelem_rel_api
-lelem_chkpt_api -lelem _chmgmt_api -lelem_core_api -lelem_mobj_api
-lelem_fault_api -lelem_rel_api -lel ement_callouts -llinx
-Wl,--end-group ./modules/misc/memcpy/libmemcpymmx.a ./mod
./modules/video_chroma/libi422_yuy2_mmx.a ./
./modules/video_chroma/libi420_yuy2_mmx. a
./modules/misc/memcpy/libmemcpy3dn.a . /modules/mux/mpeg/libmux_ts.a
-L/usr/local/lib -g -lrt -lpthread -ldl -lm -ldvbp si
--preserve-dup-deps -L/home/jim/work_area/element/lib/linux-x86
-L/home/jim/w ork_area/element/ref_platforms/x86/lib/linux-x86
-L/home/jim/work_area/element/l inx/linx-1.0.1/lib
gcc -Wsign-compare -Wall -pipe -o vlc vlc -vlc.o -Wl,--start-group
core_api _chmgmt_api ement_callouts -Wl,--end-group ./mod ./
./modules/video_chroma/libi420_yuy2_mmx. a . -g si --preserve-dup-deps
ork_area/element/ref_platforms/x86/lib/linux-x86 inx/linx-1.0.1/lib
src/libvlc.a -lelem_chkpt_api -lelem_chmgmt_api -lelem_ -lelem_mobj_api
-lelem_fault_api -lelem_rel_api -lelem_chkpt_api -lelem -lelem_core_api
-lelem_mobj_api -lelem_fault_api -lelem_rel_api -lel -llinx
./modules/misc/memcpy/libmemcpymmx.a ules/video_chroma/libi420_rgb_mmx.a
./modules/misc/memcpy/libmemcpy3dn.a /modules/mux/mpeg/libmux_ts.a
-L/usr/local/lib -lrt -lpthread -ldl -lm -ldvbp
-L/home/jim/work_area/element/lib/linux-x86 -L/home/jim/w
gcc: vlc: No such file or directory
gcc: core_api: No such file or directory
gcc: _chmgmt_api: No such file or directory
gcc: ement_callouts: No such file or directory
gcc: ./mod: No such file or directory
gcc: ./modules/video_chroma/libi420_yuy2_mmx.: No such file or directory
gcc: a: No such file or directory
gcc: si: No such file or directory
gcc: ork_area/element/ref_platforms/x86/lib/linux-x86: No such file or
gcc: inx/linx-1.0.1/lib: No such file or directory
gcc: ules/video_chroma/libi420_rgb_mmx.a: No such file or directory
gcc: /modules/mux/mpeg/libmux_ts.a: No such file or directory
gcc: unrecognized option `-vlc.o'
-----Original Message-----
From: Ralf Wildenhues [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 9:22 AM
To: Jim Rainville
Subject: Re: adding libraries and header file directories

Hello Jim,

* Jim Rainville wrote on Wed, Nov 08, 2006 at 06:14:49PM CET:
> I tried adding the --preserver-dup-deps flag in several different
> But for some reason it doesn't end up on the link line. I tried adding
> it to the front of the LD flags but I'm guessing this is a flag to
> libtool instead of to the linker. How do you add flags to libtool? Is
> there a special macro to do this?

If you are using Automake 1.10, then you can put this in LIBTOOLFLAGS
(as user) or AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS (as developer).

But just for testing, please go into the right directory and simply
issue the link command line manually, with --preserve-dup-deps added.
And post what happens.  Thing is, this switch isn't as "helpful" as
one would think at first, and I would like to know if that is the
case in your case or not.  :-)

If it's not, then we will look further.


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