
* Stepan Kasal wrote on Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 07:56:20PM CET:
> * Makefile.in <-- .depend
> This is because automake creates Makefile.in from Makefile.am and all
> included files.  Your Makefile.am includes .depend.

To rephrase this more to the point:
automake style 'include' is different than 'make' time 'include'.
The automake one happens at the time 'automake' is run, the included
file is literally put into Makefile.in.

If you are aiming at adding support for ocaml into the Automake package,
then you should use 'make' time 'include'.  The stuff that in the
Makefile.in file looks like this:

Sorry for all the weird quoting,

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