
I'd like to install some plugins, that usually do not need any .la or .a files 
to be installed (and even compiled).

However, libtool doesn't seem to allow some specific files not to be compiled 
that overloaded, so I'd like to post-remove the installed .{la,a} files.

But what rule is usually used for such post install rules?

My idea is as below:

install: install-am
    for lafile in $(chatplugin_LTLIBRARIES); do \
        rm $(DESTDIR)${chatplugindir}/$${lafile}; \
        rm $(DESTDIR)${chatplugindir}/$${lafile/.la/.a}; \

However, I recognized, that install-am prevents `make install` from installing 
recursively from this directory on. so I changed its depend from install-am 
to install-recursive (where needed).

But is this the intended way to do?

Thanks in advance,
Christian Parpart.

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