
I like to include my subversion version number in my rpm spec file so I can
keep track of the source used to generate the binary.  I've been manually
changing it but since I forget to sometimes, I'd like for make to generate
the spec file for me.  I wrote a small perl program that reads a template
file (.tmpl) and writes out the .spec file after calling subversion . -n.  I
can't figure out how to force make from a Makefile.am to run the perl script
each time it builds.
I thought I could do it with SUFFIXES but when I tried it didn't work.  I
added the following to the top level Makefile.am:
Don't use make to do this - just use autoconf, and let your configure script 
deal with it:

svnrev=`svnversion .`
AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile ... poll.spec)

Now create a file called poll.spec.in that contains an exact copy of your 
existing poll.spec, but add the autoconf substitution variable, @svnrev@ where 
it make sense.

In a Makefile.am in the directory containing your poll.spec file, add
EXTRA_DIST = ... poll.spec

I use this trick all the time and it works great! In fact, I generate most of 
my rpm and debian build scripts this way.


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