* A117 wrote on Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 08:15:13AM CEST:
> problem is, stdafx.* and targetver.* etc. should not go into this library,
> since they are to be used by VC project only.
> I guess they have to go to EXTRA_DIST.

Yes you can put them in EXTRA_DIST (which will do nothing except put
them in the tarball at 'make dist' time, and of course at that time
ensure that they are present).  You can also add them to the library

libezcommon_la_SOURCES += stdafx.cpp stdafx.h targetver.h

provided that you have defined a suitable automake conditional
AM_CONDITIONAL([WINDOWS], [...]) in configure.ac.

> and, if I put tiny*.cpp to ..._SOURCES, the content in them will be exposed
> in the library, right, which is not what i wanted? I only want them to be
> linked, but not exported. Under windows VC, I can specify which items to be
> exported, but using AutoMake, I donno how.

I think others commented on this already.  I should maybe add that
mingw.org has a good documentation on the details of library symbol
handling with GNU tools.

HTH.  Cheers,

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