
* Brian Dessent wrote on Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 04:51:42AM CEST:
> Steven Woody wrote:
> > 
> >     rmeterd_CXXFLAGS = \
> >                     -D'SVN_REV="$(shell ../../svnrev-sh)"' \
> >                     -D'SVN_DATE="$(shell ../../svndate-sh)"'

> > What's the correct way to do this without warning? Thanks.
> Are you asking how to do this in a way that's not GNU make specific, or
> are you asking how to make automake not warn about it?  For the latter,
> add -Wno-portability to your automake options (globally in
> AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE or per-Makefile in AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS.)  For the former,
> run the script at configure-time rather than at make-time and AC_SUBST
> the resulting value.

Of course one could also simply use plain old backquote command
substitution: -D"SVN_REV=`../../svnrev-sh)`"
but that would run the scripts each time those flags were used
anywhere, which would be pretty expensive.  Or use
  rmeterd_CXXFLAGS := -D"SVN_REV=`../../svnrev-sh)`" ...

that would be less expensive, still GNU make-specific (due to the ':='),
but probably fixable in 5 seconds by a user that were eager to cope with
another make.


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