* Daniel Richard G. wrote on Fri, Mar 27, 2009 at 08:54:10AM CET:
> >
> > Looks like automake is as confused as you are.  For now, here's a
> > simple workaround, using a helper variable that is not special to
> > automake:
> Oh, a workaround's not a problem; the bug is very narrow. In my case, I just 
> assigned the same literal value to noinst_PROGRAMS, as only one or two 
> program 
> names were ever involved.

Sure, but if you had dozens there, then it would make a difference.
Others who encounter the same problem might have many.

> Just wanted to bring the bogus error message to your attention, not least 
> because it seems remarkable that this corner case has never been addressed 
> before!

Well, I haven't looked at this at all, but I bet it's another glitch in
the code that rewrite *_PROGRAMS variables to end in `$(EXEEXT)'.  This
rewriting is inherently error-prone, and turns up new bugs like this one
every now and then.  Which is why I tend to veto new features that add
more in-place variable rewriting.


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