On Wed, 27 May 2009, Erwin Brandenberger wrote:

OS: Ubuntu 9.04

Project HC is Program and not a Library. Why it uses libtool ? Any help ?

It seems that the libtool used has a bug on your system or the libtool has been delivered improperly (e.g. mixing files from multiple libtool versions). What does './libtool --version' (using the libtool the package is using) say?

Regardless, this appears to be a libtool problem rather than an automake problem so it should be discussed on the libtool list.

Bob Friesenhahn
bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us, http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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