Hi, I want to add a "php" extension into an allready existing project creating various extensions to other languages as well
I use automake/autoconf for build top-level project. My new "php" extension has the name "phpmsgque" build in the subdirectory of the same name. The sudirectory is filled with all files necessary to build a php extension php requires the following steps to build an extension, 1. change into the phpmsgque directory 2. run the tool: phpize -> this tool create a complete autoconf build environment including "configure.in" 3. run the command: ./configure --enable-phpmsgque -> this create a "Makefile" 4. now use make .... for build now my problem: 1. while running the toplevel "automake" (or autoreconf) I would like to run the tool "phpize" in the phpmsgque subdirectory to create the php build environment. I have the "Makefile.am" (not used in the php build) to add instructions to link the both build environments. 2. while run toplevel "configure" I would like to run the "configure" script in the "phpmsgque" subdirectory as well so I looking for an integration of 2 build environments the second question is easy to solve I use AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS([phpmsgque]) in the toplevel configure.in but the php build environment has "no" AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE to get a "full" integration I use the docs from automake info pages to get the info from above to integrate two packages: