* Peter Johansson wrote on Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 07:31:56PM CET:
> Joseph Garvin wrote:
> >I have a number of autotooled libraries. Currently their Makefile.am's
> >are largely redundant, so I thought I would use the 'include' keyword
> >and have them pull their common parts from some file. But as far as I
> >can tell, the include isn't being observed by automake -- instead it's
> >ignored and passed on to make, where it defines targets that make
> >doesn't care about (install-exec-hook, etc.).

Can you show a small example that doesn't work?  Thanks.

> > The documentation says
> >automake only pays attention to includes that start with $(srcdir) or
> >$(top_srcdir), but that's not possible in this instance, because each
> >library is its own project (recursive make isn't being used).

But these two features don't exclude each other.  You can use

> I'm not sure exactly what you wanna achieve here. But there is an
> autoconf macro
> http://www.nongnu.org/autoconf-archive/ax_add_am_macro_static.html
> which allows you to have autoconf to generate automake input.

Hmm, the idea of having such a is not bad, but I don't think it should
need to go via esyscmd.  Maybe Automake should provide something


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