* Monty Taylor wrote on Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 05:01:15AM CET:
> I have several document source files, each ending in pod, which will
> each produce one more more man pages when run through pod2man. Simply,
> something like this:
> function1.3: source.pod
> function2.3: source.pod
> %.3: %.pod
>       pod2man $@ $<
> Of course, that doesn't work because the target files don't match the
> source files. But I want to say "here's how to build these files" and
> then provide the mapping between source and target.

Another possibility is to not name the output files %.3, but %.man, and
stick them in the respective man3_MANS variable.  Automake will know to
rename them appropriately at 'make install' time.

(I suppose you know that pattern rules are GNU make-specific, whereas
in this case, portable inference rules would suffice:
        pod2man $@ $<


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