Joakim Tjernlund wrote:
Is there a reason why the install target doesn't respect make -s?

Wow. Pointless trying to add anything to discussion whether things are good or evil.

But note this comment in

## Verbosity of FASTDEP rules

## --------------------------
## (1) Some people want to see what happens during make.  They think
##     @-commands are evil because hiding things hinders debugging.
## (2) Other people want to see only the important commands--those that
##     may produce diagnostics, such as compiler invocations.  They
##     do not care about build details such as dependency generation
##     (the if/then/else machinery in FASTDEP rules).  Their point is
##     that it is hard to spot diagnostics in a verbose output.
## (3) Other people want `make -s' to work as expected: silently.
##     This way they can spot any diagnostic really easily.
## The second point suggests we hide rules with @ and that we `echo'
## only the relevant parts.  However this goes against the two others.
## There are regular complaints about this on the mailing list, but
## it's hard to please everybody.  On April 2003, William Fulton (from
## clan (3)) and Karl Berry (from clan (2)) agreed that folding the
## compile rules so that they are output on a single line (instead of 5)
## would be a good compromise.  Actually we use two lines rather than one,
## because this way %SOURCE% is always located at the end of the first
## line and is therefore easier to spot.  (We need an extra line when
## depbase is used.)

I would really like to see autotools and libtool respect make -s.
libtool can be used without make so I don't understand what you mean here. To me it's like asking for `echo' to respect `make -s'.

Modifying Automake to generate Makefile.ins that respect 'make -s' would be trivial. Remove all @-commands and calls to 'echo'. However, that will never happen (I hope) because the default output for the typical `make' will be terribly verbose. Just have a look in any autotools generated Makefile and you realize you don't wanna see all that shell code.

When a developer asks for a silent build in order to catch problems
all one should see is real warnings and problems.
Have you tried Automake's silent-rules option?


Peter Johansson

svndigest maintainer,
yat maintainer,

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